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Re: We Need A Biker. . .

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  • Re: We Need A Biker. . .

    Originally posted by SaberCat
    My name is Kenny Glenn and we recently had "our" biker quit because of his job. We are an Arena Football team in San Jose and we have a biker as our "good will" ambassador. He rides out for introductions and starts things off. As well as doing other things during the game. We have 15,000 fans attending our home games.

    At any rate we need someone that can look the part and ride for us 7 times (different days) this season. He would get paid $100 per game and tickets. We need a nice looking, good build (in shape) type of guy. He doesn't have to be Mr. America but you get the idea.

    We would also like a "hog" type of bike. I can be a Harley, Indian or any other type of bike. . .just needs to look "easy rider'ish".

    If you are interested or know someone that is please drop me a note. Our next game is March 12th (3pm) and then March 17.

    Thanks for anything you can do. . .

    Kenny Glenn
    Our club currently doesn't have any "hog" riders. If you post this to the Monterey Bay Confederation of Clubs forum you have a good chance to find a taker.

    "Mathematics are the result of mysterious powers which no one understands, and which the unconscious recognition of beauty must play an important part. Out of an infinity of designs a mathematician chooses one pattern for beauty's sake and pulls it down to earth."

    Marston Morse