Went dirt bilking down near L.A. at Ballinger Canyon OHV. Lots of dessert terrain, all steep canyons (hence the name) and valleys featuring steep hill climbs and technical switch back ascent/decent trails. Not my pics. (forgot camera, DOH!) but you get the idea from these http://www.pbase.com/anepoch/ballingerslo .Second day out many miles from camp on a ridge top single track bike stalls out. No sweat, despite being bored out to 440 via Wiseco and a Hotcams camshaft, the XR starts readily once warmed up. Only this time makes a real horrible grinding stripped gear type sound when kicked and then the kick start seized on second try. Ever try to bump start a 440 thumper on sand? Aint gonna happen. Found a good steep hill and got it started while careening downhill in fourth repeatedly bouncing my ass on the saddle and popping clutch. Stalled again just before the crest of the next hill. Pushed it up and over and repeat exercise. She starts again. I'm starting to feel a little panicked now knowing if it stalls again I will have to abandon it for good in the dessert. Took it down real tight sandy switch backs to the canyon floor. Sometimes having to dismount to make a corner but keeping the bike running at the same time. It seemed like hours but we finally hit the valley floor to lumpy rutted fire roads and opened it up a little. Higher RPM = less chance of stalling. The problem is, I can't split the cases without taking the swing arm pivot bolt out as it runs through the back of the engine case. I already tried to take the bolt out the week before for a weld repair to the frame (long story) and the bolt is seized. A coworker is the former service manager at the local Honda dealer and he told me he has thrown four XR's into the dumpster from breaking cases trying to extract the swing arm bolt. I'm mulling this over in my mind as I hit a section of large spread out whoops at about 40 MPH and suddenly the rear is locked and sliding. Clutch in and pull it under control but the bike will only move forwards or backwards about the length of a piston stroke. I'm guessing part of the pawl mechanism got lodged in the tranny gearing. Got me a nice sun burn huddled under a shrub waiting for the sag wagon to come back for me. I guess I should be thankful I didn't have to push it off a cliff out in the canyons and can still sell a few pieces on eBay. Initial investment of $1800 plus new exhaust, IMS pedals, Scotts disc guard, Gripper saddle cover, etc. Total riding trips... three days. It's laying on it's side in the driveway with PBlaster soaking in but I don't have high hopes.