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My new commute (and my lack of DSL)

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  • My new commute (and my lack of DSL)

    So it's over; I moved to Oakland at last!!

    My new commute is dodgy at best... I have to say that I am not used to splitting lanes for my entire commute (and said commute has gotten ten times longer than it used to be, anyway)!! LOL But ya gotta have a sense of humor: this morning I split most of the way over the bridge and all the way down the Harrison Street exit. I turned into the main traffic downtown, and tried to split between a flat bed truck and an SUV. Misjudged the height of my mirrors (oops, come on, it's still only 8:00 am) and almost got one of them stuck under the flat bed. A little embarassing - especially since there was another biker right next to me on a 1300 something-or-other, looking fancy in his matching leathers. He left me in the dirt. Oh well. Hate looking like a dork that early in the morning.

    I also have NO computer at home for another week or so until my DSL is set up > so I can't really check any email or the forum or anything at home. I'll keep checking the forum from work until they restrict this site (which I expect any second). If I drop off the face of the planet, you know what happened to me! SF Vamps, you know how to reach me if you decide to ride or do anything in the next week (Valgar has my phone info).

    Later, folks, and have fun this weekend! While you're out riding, feel a twinge of pity for your pal Bone, who's cooped up unpacking her new apartment. ;D