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Just Arrived

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  • Just Arrived

    Hi everyone, I hope all are enjoying a ride during this mild weather before the snow returns!
    I'm new here and hope to find some riding partners in or near Michigan, also like to find a "Vampire Chapter".


  • #2
    Dude, you're in Michigan, which means you can put ice spikes on your ride and go wreck the lake.
    Cashing Satan's checks with my dick in my hand.
    Sometimes you gotta fuck a guy up and sometimes you gotta drink some chocolate milk.


    • #3
      Originally posted by cycleman View Post
      Hi everyone, I hope all are enjoying a ride during this mild weather before the snow returns!
      I'm new here and hope to find some riding partners in or near Michigan, also like to find a "Vampire Chapter".

      Welcome to the forum. The closest chapter to you is in San Francisco, Ca. Please feel free to ride out and visit us. It was 85 here today.
      "Through the course of my life, I've spent most of my money on motorcycles, drinking, drugs and chasing wild women. The rest of the money I just wasted."

      I am the chosen one, the mighty hand of vengeance...
      ... sent down to strike the unroadworthy!



      • #4
        Hey Rotten, I thought the club had nation wide charters because of this statement on the home page.

        The Vampires Motorcycle Club was established in 1954. We currently have chapters in Santa Cruz, San Francisco and San Luis Obispo, California, with additional members spread throughout the United States and abroad


        • #5
          "Members" means we have our dicks throughout the United States and abroad.
          Cashing Satan's checks with my dick in my hand.
          Sometimes you gotta fuck a guy up and sometimes you gotta drink some chocolate milk.


          • #6
            We have members who have moved away and become nomads, but we do not allow a Charter to exist anywhere that does not have a minimum amount of members. The only locations with a suitable density of active membership to allow a unique charter to exist are currently SF, SLO, and SC. I cannot think of any Vampires living in Michigan at the moment.
            Keith Seric Maynard


            • #7
              Hey Seric,

              Is it possible for me to become a Nomad member of the Vampires, and if so what would i need to do?


              • #8
                Heh. Here we go again.
                Cashing Satan's checks with my dick in my hand.
                Sometimes you gotta fuck a guy up and sometimes you gotta drink some chocolate milk.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by cycleman View Post
                  Hey Seric,

                  Is it possible for me to become a Nomad member of the Vampires, and if so what would i need to do?
                  Our nomad members all start as local members of a chapter, but due to life circumstances need to move away. Regretfully we do not allow new members to join as nomads.

                  There are only 2 ways to become a member of Vampires MC:

                  1: Live near and prospect for one of our 3 chapters in Santa Cruz, San Francisco, or San Louis Obispo
                  2: A member of Vampires MC moves to your area and starts a new chapter. This is rare, and unlikely.

                  So unless you move to California, or one of our members moves to Michigan, it's not possible.
                  "I love Satan and speedmetal" - Dylan


                  • #10
                    The Vampires Motorcycle Club is a motorcycle riding club first and foremost, even though it maintains an internet presence. It's in your best interest to identify members during public rides and to participate in public events prior to considering talking about the pledge process.

                    The club is not soliciting nomad members who are not or have never been a patched member.

                    In my personal opinion, you've already chosen the wrong way to attempt to join, and this discussion has gone way further than it needs to.


                    • #11
                      Sure, the SLO chapter is accepting Nomads. Just send a cashier's check in the amount of $7700.00 to the chapter's P and we'll get the process started.

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                      Cashing Satan's checks with my dick in my hand.
                      Sometimes you gotta fuck a guy up and sometimes you gotta drink some chocolate milk.

