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17th Annual Vampires MC Rally in Santa Cruz: May 6, 7 & 8, 2011

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  • 17th Annual Vampires MC Rally in Santa Cruz: May 6, 7 & 8, 2011

    "Far be it from me to question your stupid civilization or its dumb customs."—Philip J. Fry

  • #2
    Rad , any post on BARF or SBRF calanders, group rides, or social events.... Thanks Z
    Die trying,trying to Die.


    • #3
      Move your mouse wheel up and down while you look at the flier.
      Cashing Satan's checks with my dick in my hand.
      Sometimes you gotta fuck a guy up and sometimes you gotta drink some chocolate milk.


      • #4
        I did and your D just blanked my screen, so that did not work, now what?.
        Die trying,trying to Die.


        • #5
          Originally posted by twostroke View Post
          I did and your D just blanked my screen, so that did not work, now what?.
          MD and I will be there Saturday night and Sunday, you can discuss this phenomenon with his majesty then.
          Cashing Satan's checks with my dick in my hand.
          Sometimes you gotta fuck a guy up and sometimes you gotta drink some chocolate milk.


          • #6
            sofa king in.



            • #7
              FNG here. lookin to join your gathering in S.C. had some questions. whats up with the free camping? where are the camp grounds at? and is anyone from slo going up, that wouldn't mind dragging a rookie allong with em.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Dirty Trucker View Post
                FNG here. lookin to join your gathering in S.C. had some questions. whats up with the free camping? where are the camp grounds at? and is anyone from slo going up, that wouldn't mind dragging a rookie allong with em.


                1) if you stay overnight you are invited to camp with us, it's free of charge.

                2) near Santa Cruz

                3) people from SLO will be coming, how many and when they will arrive is up to them.

                4) I can't say how much they want to drag a stranger along, but your avatar is a good omen.
                "We want to be free. We want to be free to do what we want to do. We want to be free to ride. And we want to be free to ride our machines without getting hassled by The Man. And we want to get loaded."

                "I can't promise you sticking your dick in a diamondback's mouth and zapping it with a cattle prod *will* get your pecker bitten, but I can promise you it's a BAD FUCKING IDEA" -Rotten

                "Guns, stolen motorcycles, and dead hookers tend to attract a lot of attention"


                • #9
                  Not to strange, I got a friend (old navy buddy) told me to look you up if I go. I think we met one time at his place. Electrician on the busa right?


                  • #10
                    0 out of two ain't bad.


                    I'm between jobs, and I sold the Busa

                    I remember you, I wish that I could have gone to that punk show with you guys.
                    Last edited by the_grinch; 04-14-2011, 06:46 PM.
                    "We want to be free. We want to be free to do what we want to do. We want to be free to ride. And we want to be free to ride our machines without getting hassled by The Man. And we want to get loaded."

                    "I can't promise you sticking your dick in a diamondback's mouth and zapping it with a cattle prod *will* get your pecker bitten, but I can promise you it's a BAD FUCKING IDEA" -Rotten

                    "Guns, stolen motorcycles, and dead hookers tend to attract a lot of attention"


                    • #11
                      oh right, fogot about the circle jerks. good show, busted my ankle. drunk poeple in pits dont mix.

                      thanks for the info. maybe i'll see ya there.


                      • #12
                        Is the camping for both Friday and Saturday or Saturday only?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by the_grinch View Post
                          I'm between jobs
                          Yes, right in the middle of hand and blow.

                          "Far be it from me to question your stupid civilization or its dumb customs."—Philip J. Fry


                          • #14
                            I'm gonna bring some drunks along if that's ok.



                            • #15
                              I suppose you motherless Vempires have nothing better to do Sunday than ride around. I miss riding with you guys. Had a blast on the kilt ride. I hope to make more over the summer. I have been greasing cats like crazy in preparation! Should have a nice litter of kittens by the next ride.

