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SF Vampires meetings

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  • SF Vampires meetings

    A few people have expressed an interest in attending SF meetings, so I just wanted to give everyone the time and location, and a reminder that the May meeting is tomorrow night!

    Benders Bar & Grill
    806 South Van Ness Avenue (at 19th Street)
    San Francisco, California 94110

    3rd Wednesday of the month
    8:00 pm (meetings start on time and take about an hour)

    If the weather is nice we usually go out on the patio in back of the bar.

  • #2
    Re: SF Vampires meetings

    Out of sheer curosity. Is this open to all (even non Vamps)? Does it go like the SC Vamps meeting, a first public part then Vamps & pledge/prospects only?..


    • #3
      Re: SF Vampires meetings

      Meetings are open to anyone. At the end of the meeting we have a short segment that is for full members only. Afterward people often go to various social events or clubs.


      • #4
        Re: SF Vampires meetings

        I'd like to add that our meetings are a lot of fun.
        We include a free high-colonic for every non member too!


        • #5
          Re: SF Vampires meetings

          high colonic: - irrigation of the colon for cleansing purposes by injecting large amounts of fluid high into the colon
          OOH LA LA! Cannot miss that!


          • #6
            Re: SF Vampires meetings

            my bike got the high colonic... it was wet! :P


            • #7
              Re: SF Vampires meetings

              Originally posted by French Mille-R Lover
              my bike got the high colonic... it was wet! :P

              Put your rear fender back on! :-*
              "Mathematics are the result of mysterious powers which no one understands, and which the unconscious recognition of beauty must play an important part. Out of an infinity of designs a mathematician chooses one pattern for beauty's sake and pulls it down to earth."

              Marston Morse


              • #8
                Re: SF Vampires meetings

                Maybe she (the bike) liked it! Wet is a good sign!!! haha was worth it, good beer, pool table and some fun SFVamps.. Good folks!
                PS Oh and I forgot/lost my bike key! I had two and came back with one.. so there is a key for a Mille at Benders! haha sounds like a game, you try all the Mille in the city, find the key and if it starts the bike it;s yours..   :P


                • #9
                  Re: SF Vampires meetings

                  Originally posted by French Mille-R Lover
                  find the key and if it starts the bike it;s yours..   :P
                  That looks like consent to me - possible bill of sale??
                  Im glad you said that, I have your key and know where you live, and by the looks of what you just said, Looks like I have a new Mille, sweeeeet. ;D
                  You Suck


                  • #10
                    Re: SF Vampires meetings

                    ;D OK so this weekend new tires.... and new lock!


                    • #11
                      Re: SF Vampires meetings

                      Originally posted by French Mille-R Lover
                      ;D OK so this weekend new tires.... and new lock!  
                      I have a lock I can loan you ;D
                      You Suck


                      • #12
                        Mille no more

                        Well even with the key you won't go very far. Was at Scuderia for maintenance and tire change. When they tried to tighten the last bolt, the front left ohlins fork cracked on 5 inches. They have to replace it ($1300), order it from Georgia etc.. no bike for a week!!!!!! The new tires look good though...
                        My buddy was there to look at the 04 factory. Very few left, apparently Aprilia is jacking up the price from $17k to $19 for the 05 so all the 04 are going fast...
                        We looked at Scooters for Shannon and I just realized 2 strokes wont be around much longer. Apparently the emission /pollution rules in CA are getting stricter and the manufacturers just will discontinue the 2 strokes in 06. So we will definitely get one this year.


                        • #13

                          Well.. it has been almost 3 weeks and yesterday I got a call from Benders. They had some event on Thursday and my key showed up. Went on Saturday night to SF and got it back!.. Now I have.. 6 keys!... :P


                          • #14
                            Re: SF Vampires meetings

                            Does that mean I get one now? :
                            You Suck


                            • #15
                              Re: SF Vampires meetings

                              Why, is your Mille not running these days? Or are you lusting after the radial calipers.. :P
                              I am off to France for a week so I will miss this meeting, and I will hide my bike away from you :-*

