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Becoming a pledge

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  • Becoming a pledge

    I have been hanging out and riding in Vampire events for about 4 years now off and on. I was around when a friend of mine became a pledge and is now a Vampire. I participated in all three rides last weekend (Eric-silver Suzuki SV1000S) and I attended my first actual meeting last night (May 6), and have a couple of things I have to say. I was really impressed with not only the organization and way the meeting was run, but even more so impressed with the clubs concern for rider safety and the well being of anyone attending the Vampire run events, prop's to you for that. But from a personal standpoint, how the club in general makes an outsider feel welcome and not like an outcast, gives you the opprotunity to get to know the club, members and what the Vampires are about (kinda) lol.
    Moral of this story is, the more I am around the Vampires, the more I would like to become a member and not just a ride along. The person who I watched pledge into the Vampires has offered to Sponser me and I would like the opprotunity to pledge. I dont know how I go about this, but would appreciate any feedback from members on what steps I need to take. ??? Thanks
    You Suck

  • #2
    Re: Becoming a pledge

    Couldnt be much worse than my ex and the 9 months of her raving pregnancy, this should be a cake walk. See you there
    You Suck


    • #3
      Re: Becoming a pledge

      Originally posted by u_cant_prove_it
      The person who I watched pledge into the Vampires has offered to Sponser me and I would like the opprotunity to pledge. I dont know how I go about this, but would appreciate any feedback from members on what steps I need to take. ??? Thanks

      The sponsor must be a member in good standing with the club (I.E. NOT Crash Test), Anyone else is O.K. for sponsoring.


      • #4
        Lost Mortal looking for Vampire Sponsor

        Guy with Bike (runs), leathers and tattoo's looking for a Vampire with Good standing (Pays dues, attends meetings and events) to sponsor pledge. By the way, Im Eric who rode with crash on Silver SV on the last ralley, and showed up to meeting, (dragging Crash along). I pay my own way and am potty trained (mostly). E-mail me
        You Suck


        • #5
          Re: Becoming a pledge

          Originally posted by Goose

          The sponsor must be a member in good standing with the club (I.E. NOT Crash Test), Anyone else is O.K. for sponsoring.  
          You offering? LOL  ;D
          I tried to make him a good Vampire, but he dont listen too good. The more I hit him, the worse he gets, maybe I should quit hitting his head so hard. He manages his life pretty much the same as he maintains his bike, and we have all seen his bike.
          You Suck


          • #6
            Re: Becoming a pledge

            Crash who?
            You Suck


            • #7
              Re: Becoming a pledge

              A pledge's first duty... learn who the members are.


              • #8
                Re: Becoming a pledge

                That was a joke, Crash, AKA CRASH TEST, AKA James, was who offered to be my sponsor, he was the one I rode with all three days of the ralley. If I am totally off on what you are talking about, I am trying to learn who everyone is, Vampires and Non Vampires alike. I am working on it. maybe if I had a deck of Vampire flash cards or playing cards, it would be easier. But I am doing what I can.
                You Suck


                • #9
                  Re: Becoming a pledge

                  Vampire trading cards? mabe for the holidays


                  • #10
                    Re: Becoming a pledge

                    How about Vampire's bikes trading cards instead?
                    You Suck


                    • #11
                      Re: Becoming a pledge

                      Are the pledging procedures any different for the SF chapter? Nine months, and all of that?

                      Like our prolific pal, UCPI, I am eager to know what awaits me in the near future as a prospective pledge...?!?

                      (Pardon the alliteration today, I'm apparently in a mood) heh heh.



                      • #12
                        Re: Becoming a pledge

                        As a prospective prospect to becoming a prospective pledge, Its actually nine meetings that have to be completed in a years time, along with other activities (nonsexual ofcourse, I think, hope, ) and befriending each and every Vampire. Then, maybe, possibly, they might let you think about becoming a Vampire, As a wise Vampire once voiced to me in my early campange into pre-pledgehood, "Hang out and get to know everyone".
                        Someday, I will pledge, mark my words!
                        I hope theres no spelling test.
                        You Suck


                        • #13
                          Re: Becoming a pledge

                          Originally posted by u_cant_prove_it
                          How about Vampire's bikes trading cards instead?
                          The bike I have now actually has a motor of it's own so I now longer need to clothspin trading cards into the spokes to make noise. ;D

                          Come to meetings with or without Crash. You don't need a sponsor to attend meetings or rides. Get to know everyone and see if you still want to join after you know what a bunch of pricks we are.


                          • #14
                            Re: Becoming a pledge

                            The only problem there is, I am a prick to the third degree, almost a blackbelt prick. I might actually like it. Believe me, I'll be there. The whole hanging at Perg thing isnt working for me, I actually have less of a life hanging there than I did when I wasnt trying to enter pledgehood. Except for that nice homeless chick that wanted me, but we wont get into that or her right now.
                            You Suck


                            • #15
                              Re: Becoming a pledge

                              Is having a sponsor a req. in becoming a pledge? I just hate to have to pick any one person and make everyone else feel left out, That could damage someones self esteem for life. Theres that and then theres the fact no one has offered (little snag).
                              On another note, does the meeting you pledge at count tword your nine meetings?
                              You Suck

