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Naked Ride

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  • Naked Ride

    so a little birdie whispered in my ear...

    The Tradition Lives on…

    Yes folks, the infamous naked ride is upon us, brought to you this year by Dave, Adrian and crew. Just a few things before you get the details…


    1. This ride is the motorcycle equivalent to a polar bear swim.
    ( for those
    unfamiliar). That means that, yes it is supposed to be cold.

    2. Naked is nothing but helmet, boots and gloves.

    3. For the safety minded types. If you think you can't handle a low speed, low mileage cruise around town without stacking, you might want to rethink your lifestyle.

    4. The bikes are staged at a secluded/secure location so people can strip, bag up their clothes, and a quick mount-up and take off can be made. Clothing is transported via a chase vehicle to the final destination.

    5. Legality. Technically in Santa Cruz it's ok to be naked as long as you're not conducting yourself in a 'Lewd' or 'Lascivious' manner, and of course nobody complains. So as long as you're not standing on your gastank and shaking your frozen junk at pedestrians and motorists, there's no fear of the local PD
    bulk-arresting a bunch of newly suspected sex offenders in helmets. We've been doing this for years now without any issues.

    6. Leghumpers, mouth-breathers and "helpers".
    If you can't behave in a civilized manner around naked people. Do not show up.

    Additionally, If I don't think you can behave yourself. You will
    leave. I get paid tell people 'No', crush their hopes and generally be a stubborn asshole. I'm good at my job. Dave is the 'nice' one, I'm not.

    And don't arrive expecting 'just to help' or block traffic. It's taken care of and more than covered.

    Okay. Now the fun bits….

    When: Feb.26th Meet at 9:00pm. Leave for the secure staging area at 9:30
    Where: Café Pergolesi (

    I know none of you actually will, but RSVP to
    (naked.ride(AT)gmail(DOT)com) if you are planning on attending so we can get a headcount.

    Lastly, the past few years, after the ride we've gone to Kiva Hot Tubs and plan to do so again. I'm open to allowing people who aren't braving the ride joining the group afterwards but they might have to kick in a little extra. Pricing is sane (~$20) but fluctuates with the number of people so please RSVP.
    The tubs open at Midnight.

    Photos of Last Year
    I've got your mother's maiden name tattooed on my arm...

  • #2
    Re: Naked Ride

    I missed it! And I had all these visions...
    Damn! I have been too busy to check up on this thing.
    How was it?


    • #3
      Re: Naked Ride

      it was alot of fun. im sorry you missed it. check for pics soon.


      • #4
        Re: Naked Ride

        It was great fun! Exhilarating! Um... I noticed photos posted. Nice! LOL! What happened to anonymity?? Not that *I* mind.. cause any one who knows me, knows that being nude is just in my nature. But I do recall someone saying Photos would be edited prior to posting??? I wanted my T&A photo-shopped, damn it! ha ha ha...



        • #5
          Re: Naked Ride

          Doh! I stand corrected.. didn't noticed the face blurbs on the pics! LOL! Now you all know I wasn't even looking at yer faces! Double Doh! ;D



          • #6
            Re: Naked Ride

            Since when can you gift on-line? Are you gifting me???? Ouch! :P :P :P :P :-*


            • #7
              Re: Naked Ride

              I don't see what the big deal is...I like my men big.


              • #8
                Re: Naked Ride

                ok, not that i mind at all, but i recall SOMEONE saying they would blur tats as well.......


                • #9
                  Re: Naked Ride

                  OK I now believe in reincarnation and in my next life I want to be a 929 back/passenger seat or an R6 front seat... ;D


                  • #10
                    Re: Naked Ride

                    so, are there more pics coming? this first batch isnt doing it for me anymore.....


                    • #11
                      Re: Naked Ride

                      That is it... I'm totally doing it next year. (Andrew+Char: hold me to this, don't let me back out again next year.) I was going to this year but Chris didn't want to ride bitch. Thought it would have been a nice change but in the end, cold feet.


                      • #12
                        Re: Naked Ride

                        so, um, batch number 2? more pics? whats up? are you holding them hostage untill mr. b finishes the bi-laws?

