Poker/pack Run 19th annual. Poker/ Pack Run.
Sept. 18th, Sign-up at Don Quixote's Restaurant, Felton, CA 9-11am
$20 Donation gets you the ride and access to Camp Krem at the end of the run, in Boulder Creek. It also gets you into all the games, great food and entertainment offered by the club at the end of the run, and beginning of the Private Party where anything can happen, and usually does!
Door Prizes, Trophies, Games of Biker Skill and Stupidity.
Cabin space available, some primitive camping, nice showers.
you WILL go to this event
Sept. 18th, Sign-up at Don Quixote's Restaurant, Felton, CA 9-11am
$20 Donation gets you the ride and access to Camp Krem at the end of the run, in Boulder Creek. It also gets you into all the games, great food and entertainment offered by the club at the end of the run, and beginning of the Private Party where anything can happen, and usually does!
Door Prizes, Trophies, Games of Biker Skill and Stupidity.
Cabin space available, some primitive camping, nice showers.
you WILL go to this event
