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Day of Dead?

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  • Day of Dead?

    Hey guys (gal) - I saw the flyer and noticed that there wasn't any detail on the after-the-ride-event. Will there be one this year? Curious Char's want to know.

  • #2
    The usual large BBQ, strange meats and general stupid human tricks will still be occuring. Though just not at their usual place.

    Guess you'll just have to go on the ride to find out where 8)

    (if it's some logistical thing for anyone, just pm me)
    I've got your mother's maiden name tattooed on my arm...


    • #3
      Thank You Vampiresmc

      Thank You for a most Awesome!,"Day of the Dead",I know I had a Great time as did all who showed.
      Die trying,trying to Die.


      • #4
        Alot of people commented on what a blast they had.
        You Suck


        • #5
          Great day

          Thanks again


          • #6
            Originally posted by VTRweasel
            Great day

            Thanks again
            Mo fo I thought that was You Jim!,one would think I could remember....not!. so when do we get the TZ to run?.
            Die trying,trying to Die.


            • #7
              Glad you made it, Jim. Next time bring V so you can stay longer. :>

              "Far be it from me to question your stupid civilization or its dumb customs."—Philip J. Fry


              • #8
                LMAO, busted

                Oh, shit

                Tim, that was me at perg's asking you how I knew you ya dork :twofinger
                Last edited by VTRweasel; 11-07-2006, 08:42 AM.


                • #9
                  BTW, thank you Tim for letting me know about my rear tire looking low. The bike did feel a bit squirrely on Sunday, and when I checked the pressure I was at 25 lbs.

                  Turns out I had a slow leak--I filled it twice after you told me about it, and both times it went from 42 to ~25 lbs in 24 hours.

                  I just replaced the tire today (it was about due anyway) and my bike feels like new.

                  "Far be it from me to question your stupid civilization or its dumb customs."—Philip J. Fry


                  • #10
                    Your welcome,just makes for a better ride. hey what happened to the guy with the broken BMW?. Does anyone have photos?.is goose a tough guy or what,he had to be in pain and still smiled all day.
                    Die trying,trying to Die.


                    • #11
                      I haven't talked to Ethan since last weekend, so I'm not sure what shape his beemer is in. I'll certainly ask him when I see him.

                      My photos from DotD are in the gallery:


                      There's a couple of broken thumbnail images, but I got tired of fighting with the software and gave up. I'll rebuild them when I get a chance.

                      "Far be it from me to question your stupid civilization or its dumb customs."—Philip J. Fry


                      • #12
                        Thanks for all the photos, what a fun time!!,thanks again.
                        Die trying,trying to Die.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by twostroke
                          hey what happened to the guy with the broken BMW?
                          Ethan was at the fundraiser for James tonight, with his shiny new KLR 650.

                          Black and silver--really gorgeous. The BMW is fucked, but he got it back up to the City with the help of the SFMC prospect who stored it for him, and he's got a buyer for it as-is.

                          "Far be it from me to question your stupid civilization or its dumb customs."—Philip J. Fry


                          • #14
                            New Bike?, is he going to keep it as clean as his other bikes?. The BMW looked bad when I pulled the spark plug,bent and beaten by metal objects..valves,rings, or other parts....
                            Die trying,trying to Die.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by twostroke
                              New Bike?, is he going to keep it as clean as his other bikes?. The BMW looked bad when I pulled the spark plug,bent and beaten by metal objects..valves,rings, or other parts....
                              hey there it's me, broken bimmer guy. yep. i decided it was in my best interest to simply let go of the poor beast. i know myself well enough that my (unfortunate for my pocketbook) empathy for broken machines would keep me from resting at night until the poor thing was back on the road. so, i allowed someone to bribe me with ten shiny c-notes and looked the other way when it was hauled away. this after i went up to mission honda and signed my life away for a shiny-new KLR650, in black (of course!)

                              i have pics of the event (tim if that's you i have the pics of you on the pocketbike!), does this bulletin board thingy have a way to post? or should i post a link to my gallery? i'm going to have the pics up in a little bit; flickr wants money for more pictures....#$(*@Q#$! bastards! EVERYDAMNTHINGONTHEINTERNETSHOULDBEFREE!!!


