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go kart racing in Fremont July 11th
Hey SLR I was trying to figure out what happened to Puka and I didn't find ANYthing in the news/media. How did this happen? To support safer riding, I'd like to learn from others' mistakes...sigpic
Originally posted by epimVampires MC. We ride motorcycles. We ride motorcycles fast. We're a family. We know where to hide the bodies.
He was coming home from King city with about 12-15 guys behind him and he hit a pot hole. His bike did not have a steering dampener on it and he got speed wobbles and went down. He was fine after the fall but a car ran his chest over crushing his ribs. They way that it happened his ribs punctured his lungs and caused a lot of internal bleeding and they were unable to find the bleeding and stop it. This is what we know to have happened from people that were at the scene.
SLR and BAD are raising money for his family because he had 2 daughters that he left behind and we to make sure that they will have everything that they need to succeed in life. If any one would like to make a donation to Puak's family please visit the donate page on www.supportlocalriders.com
Thanks and Ride Safe!
Wow thanks for the update man. I hope his daughters recover.sigpic
Originally posted by epimVampires MC. We ride motorcycles. We ride motorcycles fast. We're a family. We know where to hide the bodies.