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Central Coast Classic MC Rally Oct 8-11

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  • Central Coast Classic MC Rally Oct 8-11

    Someone handed this to me at bike night... details:
    Originally posted by the_grinch
    ‎@Thatch-you sound just like an old athlete that can't face the fact that his best years are behind him. Josh would crash on the way to your funeral just to take that pin off your corpse.
    Originally posted by Beauregard
    give me some time to get used to not riding a Harley you young whippersnapper and i'll teach you some manners

  • #2
    i spoke last night with phil, one of the guys putting this on really cool british dude and a friend of ours.) apparently the actual world's fastest indian guy is gonna be there and the ace cafe guys are coming back out from london to party. should be a lot of fun. sf and sc needing a place are welcome at my place. yeah, my place pretty much rulz.
    being shot out of a cannon will always be better than being squeezed out of a tube. that is why god made fast motorcycles.

    makin love dont make it love.
    -johnny paycheck



    • #3
      Looks like some SBR peeps are heading down too:
      Originally posted by the_grinch
      ‎@Thatch-you sound just like an old athlete that can't face the fact that his best years are behind him. Josh would crash on the way to your funeral just to take that pin off your corpse.
      Originally posted by Beauregard
      give me some time to get used to not riding a Harley you young whippersnapper and i'll teach you some manners


      • #4
        thanks junkie! i havent seen you and you where in town?stop by next time and say hello to me when your here..but good job on the info...!
        1% since I was born!


        • #5
          OMG, I so want to go. thanks for the post.
          Die trying,trying to Die.


          • #6
            will attend with the wifey

            "American by birth, CALIFORNIAN by the grace of God!"- Me

            -" I am not leaving the forum, because it's my ultimate intent to drive the rest of you off so I'm the only one left.
            "- Ziad


            • #7
              I was thinking of heading down Friday, and staying through Saturday afternoon.
              Keith Seric Maynard


              • #8
                Fuck those craiglist guys.
                Cashing Satan's checks with my dick in my hand.
                Sometimes you gotta fuck a guy up and sometimes you gotta drink some chocolate milk.


                • #9
                  Hmm...I was going to go to Reno, I might go to this instead.
                  "We want to be free. We want to be free to do what we want to do. We want to be free to ride. And we want to be free to ride our machines without getting hassled by The Man. And we want to get loaded."

                  "I can't promise you sticking your dick in a diamondback's mouth and zapping it with a cattle prod *will* get your pecker bitten, but I can promise you it's a BAD FUCKING IDEA" -Rotten

                  "Guns, stolen motorcycles, and dead hookers tend to attract a lot of attention"


                  • #10
                    Tell them we are sorry that the Legend of the Motorcycle organizers are such poopy-heads for canceling this year's show in HMB (and possibly all future HMB shows).

                    But they are welcome to do another Mods vs. Rockers ride up the coast to Santa Cruz anytime. I will help escort again and maybe the CHP chopper will volunteer his time too. Heh.


                    • #11
                      Oh, don't worry. The Pebble Beach Company is looking to permanantly take over the moto concourse.

                      This means, of couse, that tickets will be $300, and ironically, motorcyclists will have no way of riding there, since motorcycles aren't allowed in Pebble Beach.
                      "We want to be free. We want to be free to do what we want to do. We want to be free to ride. And we want to be free to ride our machines without getting hassled by The Man. And we want to get loaded."

                      "I can't promise you sticking your dick in a diamondback's mouth and zapping it with a cattle prod *will* get your pecker bitten, but I can promise you it's a BAD FUCKING IDEA" -Rotten

                      "Guns, stolen motorcycles, and dead hookers tend to attract a lot of attention"

