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Hollister Hills (ongoing)

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  • Hollister Hills (ongoing)

    Antipathy wants an ongoing thread for dirt riding. Figgered this would be an easy way to give her what she wants.
    "Mathematics are the result of mysterious powers which no one understands, and which the unconscious recognition of beauty must play an important part. Out of an infinity of designs a mathematician chooses one pattern for beauty's sake and pulls it down to earth."

    Marston Morse

  • #2
    Hollister Hills- New trails?

    Hi there, I wanted to share our experience last Saturday 8/25 at Hollister. I don't know how long this will continue or when/if they plan to open the trails, but thought maybe some of you, if you have the time soon, might want to head down there to check it out.

    While taking a break from riding we were approached by one of the park patrol guys and he asked us if we would be interested in a guided riding tour of new trails that are not yet opened to the public. We said OF COURSE and were led into a closed off area of the lower ranch. The new trails are single track trails that snake all over the hills. Lots of fun. NO 4 wheel vehicles can fit on the trails and pretty much anyone of any skill level can ride these trails. (It was the first time riding for one person in our group). Basically they used us as test bunnies. Fine by me.


    • #3
      Wow, thanks for the info - that sounds like a lot of fun! How / where & who do I talk to in order to get in on this fun? I've been wanting to do more singletrack.


      • #4
        You can probably ask at the ranger/park patrol station. We were approached by someone so I dont' know if/when they are taking more groups?

        Let me know how you make out.

