Weight your pegs: this will use your legs as shock absorbers and free up your bikes suspension to deal with the nasty potholes and crap you see on goat trails.
Pinch the tank with your knees: this will allow you to keep your crotch back a bit and allow more room to maneuver for side to side transitions. This stable base will also allow you to use your abdominal muscles more, freeing up your arms. With your upper body loose and relaxed you'll find it's much easier to whip the bike around in these hairy switchbacks.
Throttle control: is important at all times, particularly when going down hill on a goat trail. You have to maintain that front to rear balance on the bike at all times, and cracking open the throttle just a touch can keep 60% of the weight on the rear wheel. If you enter a corner with front brakes on or the throttle switched off you can put too much load on your front tire.
Blazing up a goat trail on an inline-4 sportbike is a very difficult thing to do well. Learning that skill will serve you well in the long run
Pinch the tank with your knees: this will allow you to keep your crotch back a bit and allow more room to maneuver for side to side transitions. This stable base will also allow you to use your abdominal muscles more, freeing up your arms. With your upper body loose and relaxed you'll find it's much easier to whip the bike around in these hairy switchbacks.
Throttle control: is important at all times, particularly when going down hill on a goat trail. You have to maintain that front to rear balance on the bike at all times, and cracking open the throttle just a touch can keep 60% of the weight on the rear wheel. If you enter a corner with front brakes on or the throttle switched off you can put too much load on your front tire.
Blazing up a goat trail on an inline-4 sportbike is a very difficult thing to do well. Learning that skill will serve you well in the long run