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Vespa P200 center stand installation question

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  • Vespa P200 center stand installation question

    Help.  Pete and I (well mostly Pete) are trying to install a new center stand on my Vespa P200.  Is there a trick to getting the spring back into place other than brute force or taking off the muffler?  Draining the gas tank and laying it on its side for more leverage to stretch the spring?  Taking the muffler off seems to be a complicated mess since it appears we have to take off the back tire too?!

    I admit to complete ignorance and am in need of some advice.


  • #2
    Re: Vespa P200 center stand installation question

    You should ask Mr. B. If I recall correctly he is the specialist of Vespa 200 2 strokes pre 1980 something... I think it is what he was riding when he smoked me few years ago in the twisties..


    • #3
      Re: Vespa P200 center stand installation question

      Don't forget Mr. Blue as well ;D


      • #4
        Re: Vespa P200 center stand installation question

        Taking the muffler off makes it a lot easer. But what I usually do is have someone stand the bike up so the stand is up, and with a length of bailing wire or an old cable held in a pair of pliers, stretch the spring back and hook it. by having the stand up the distance is a bit less to stretch. The wire makes it easer to pull the spring and get into the space between the muffler and body.


        • #5
          Re: Vespa P200 center stand installation question

          Thanks. We figured out that it's a shorter distance if the stand is up. It's difficult to pull back the spring in such awkward positions and then get the leverage to yank it back to connect it. ALL at the same time. Noooo problem! :P

          Do you hook the muffler side of the spring first or the side where it connects to the stand? It seems like trying to hook the muffler side is easier but then the muffler gets in the way.

          If these questions sound really dumb and trivial, please forgive.


          • #6
            Re: Vespa P200 center stand installation question

            Nevermind, I just re-read your reply and realized you answered my question to begin with.

            I CAN read dammit! I swear.


            • #7
              Re: Vespa P200 center stand installation question

              Spring is on, stand retracts, alls good.
              Thanks for the advice.


              • #8
                Re: Vespa P200 center stand installation question

                Ride indeed you must go and do......... Go and soil your wild...................... OH never mind

