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Helping out a bike benefit for SC AIDS Project

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  • Helping out a bike benefit for SC AIDS Project

    Hi. I am part of a group of local Santa Cruz cyclists who have done the SF to LA AIDS bike rides. We decided to hold our own small ride to raise money for our local AIDS organization, SCAP, as money from the bigger week long rides goes to organizations in SF and LA. This is our 4th year putting on the Surf City Century, which this year will take place Sunday Sept. 19. We start and end at Cabrillo College, and participants ride routes of 100 miles, 62 miles, or 25 miles. We provide them with route maps, rest stops along the way with food, water, gatorade and bathrooms, and we have safety vehicles patrol the route. At the end of the ride there is music, great hot food provided by 5 Star Catering, and massages available at a small cost. Last year we had 850 riders and were able to give SCAP $25,000. The route is beautiful, through south county vineyards and farmland with lunch in Aromas or San Juan Batista, and returning along the coast.
    The reason I am contacting you is that we are always in need of more volunteers to put on a safe and successful ride. As an AIDS Ride rider, I saw how valuable motorcylists were in helping the ride go smoothly, from directing traffic at dangerous intersections, to finding lost riders, to patrolling the route. It would be a tremendous benefit to us to have your help. We provide our volunteers with a cool event teeshirt and they are welcome to come back to Cabrillo for the catered meal. Let me know if you are interested, or have any questions. We also can use volunteers to mark the route the day before, and to staff the rest stops if you know anyone who might like to help with that. Thanks so much for taking the time to read this. I can be reached directly at and I will also check back here, or people can call Amy Weiss at SCAP, the volunteer coordinator at 4273939.

  • #2
    Re: Helping out a bike benefit for SC AIDS Project

    I am inteersted in possibly helping. I am sure more Vampires would be interested as well.



    • #3
      Re: Helping out a bike benefit for SC AIDS Project

      Thanks for your response. That would be great.


      • #4
        Re: Helping out a bike benefit for SC AIDS Project

        I'm also interested in helping out.
        I've got your mother's maiden name tattooed on my arm...


        • #5
          Re: Helping out a bike benefit for SC AIDS Project

          You Suck


          • #6
            Re: Helping out a bike benefit for SC AIDS Project

            Thanks to all of you interested in volunteering your time on Surf City. Could you perhaps email me directly at and give me your names and phone numbers? Then I can contact you directly. I would like to be able to coordinate with you and the folks working on the route and SAG/safety aspects of the ride, and get your suggestions as well as to how you think you could best help us out. Sorry I couldn't come to the Boardwalk tonight, hope you had a good turnout.

