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Auto mode?

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  • Auto mode?

    Hard to drive a car,but a bike takes alot of skill,check this out!.
    Die trying,trying to Die.

  • #2
    Re: Auto mode?

    Originally posted by twostroke
    Hard to drive a car,but a bike takes alot of skill,check this out!.
    I saw one of the bikes at the AMD booth at Supercomputing 2004 in Pittsburgh. Pretty impressive. The team doing it is in Berkeley and welcomes volunteer help (possibly could put a sponsor sticker on bike for enough help). I contacted Lyle (President of Ghost Mountain Riders) to see if any ghosties wanted to help, seemed like a natural fit for the Ghost Mountain Riders to be helping with the Ghost Rider project.
    "Mathematics are the result of mysterious powers which no one understands, and which the unconscious recognition of beauty must play an important part. Out of an infinity of designs a mathematician chooses one pattern for beauty's sake and pulls it down to earth."

    Marston Morse

