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Coffee drinking cager

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  • Coffee drinking cager

    Thanks so much!!! for the delicious Dub Mocha,it just hit the spot when I needed it most,NOT! >. A Neanderthal Cager tossed out his StarBucks cup out the window,contents inc.,I was the Receiver,Smack in the chest!. Bikers are nice people, well mannered,polite and intellectual. Today I was not,cup in hand Mr.X found out why; coffee stains on pants,broken turn signal and he has to buy a new cell phone,next time pal,turn on the brain befor You start the car,Your going to give Bikers a bad name.
    Die trying,trying to Die.

  • #2
    Re: Coffee drinking cager

    It was not a Mocha It was my daily Soy Venti Latte and if you can't appreciate a $3,70 gift in the morning I won't drive in front of you anymore! ;D When I think I was ready to throw you also my almond croissant,,,,


    • #3
      Re: Coffee drinking cager

      You,You,You...........I am down with that Croissant thing just give me a heads up so I can open My Visor and snack on that bad boy.
      Die trying,trying to Die.


      • #4
        Re: Coffee drinking cager

        BTY,Thank You Eric. You made My day a good one ;D.
        Die trying,trying to Die.


        • #5
          Re: Coffee drinking cager

          My day was gloomy until I saw this crane at the corner of 280 and De Anza, the crane belongs to "American Drilling" and on it, in big bold white characters: "Your hole is our goal".. hahaha I will watch my back from now on when I ride pass this construction site ;D


          • #6
            Re: Coffee drinking cager

            And to think, they went throgh all that trouble, just for you. You must be special! ;D
            You Suck


            • #7
              Re: Coffee drinking cager

              Special sounds about right

