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Got couch?

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  • Got couch?

    So the conversation went something like this...

    Me... "Dude, for the last time, I am NOT selling you my cherry CB-1 so you can use it as a learners bike for your girlfriend. Buy my Bandit 400 instead. It's got some slightly used frame sliders on it and everything."

    Matt... "Mmm. I'll think about it. I gotta sell my CBR first."

    Me... (joking) "Dude, I'll trade you straight across."

    Matt... "Really? O.K., deal."

    So now I've got a '96 CBR1000 parked in my driveway. I have no idea what the hell I'm going to do with it. It's fuggin' HUGE! Imagine you are lounging in an ultra plush super comfy couch. Now imagine your couch has 135 HP. weighs 520 lbs. and will do about 160-170 mph.


    It's kind of like that.

  • #2
    Re: Got couch?

    You lucky fucker. I have the exact opposite problem. I sold my SV, Mille will be done around year 2012 and the only thing I have that resembles a motor cycle is the little 49cc pocket bike I bought my daughter.

    Wanna trade for a while, I am dying to f***ing ride!
    You Suck


    • #3
      Re: Got couch?

      Ya, Lonny - like you *need* a super couch that goes that fast! Holy Crap... Have you upped your Aflac lately? ;-)



      • #4
        Re: Got couch?

        Could one of you explain what all the differences are in CB1 models between the 4 into 1 pipes, supersport vintage, regular sport bike.. Is it the same as a CBR400 or CB400? What is it with this bike that makes it such an icon?..


        • #5
          Re: Got couch?

          You dont worry about it , OK, I am without a bike right now, stay away from this one. Im trying to work out a deal with my 20's off the caddy, a BMX bike and some food stamps, OK?
          Kick rocks!
          Originally posted by Frenchmillerlover
          Could one of you explain what all the differences are in CB1 models between the 4 into 1 pipes, supersport vintage, regular sport bike.. Is it the same as a CBR400 or CB400? What is it with this bike that makes it such an icon?..  
          You Suck

