Re: "(okay well one of you suck's,admit it.)&
I got two words for you.................."F*%& OFF" .............. Hey.............. What the F&$#.......... G^% D(*$ F*#& C*(^ B*$%@#........................ AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Re: "(okay well one of you suck's,admit it.)&
Originally posted by twostroke
Small mind,small brain,and small...word's, ;D.
I've got a Webster's 3rd International unabridged DIC tionary, chicks dig a big one, means a big vocabulary and hence a hyper developed primary sex organ - Brain.
(Also have an OED, 70's vintage 2 volume, meaning 4 pages of the 18 volume OED are printed on each page in about 3 point type. I use a magnifying glass for that one even though I don't need reading glasses normally).
"Mathematics are the result of mysterious powers which no one understands, and which the unconscious recognition of beauty must play an important part. Out of an infinity of designs a mathematician chooses one pattern for beauty's sake and pulls it down to earth."
Re: "(okay well one of you suck's,admit it.)&
Originally posted by dollarbill
(Also have an OED, 70's vintage 2 volume, meaning 4 pages of the 18 volume OED are printed on each page in about 3 point type. I use a magnifying glass for that one even though I don't need reading glasses normally).
I have the same dictionary circa 1971. Comes in a single divided box with a small drawer for the magnifying glass built in. It claims to be the compact edition but each book weighs ten pounds. It hasn't scored me any honeys yet but when I get bored I can always burn ants with the magnifying glass.
Re: "(okay well one of you suck's,admit it.)&
Originally posted by ShortRound
I always thought there was something wrong with you bill 8) ;D
3 point type is very difficult to read even with 20/13 vision. If I strain my eyes I can read it, but given that the 2 volume OED came with a magnifying glass because the editors were aware that 3 point t type is pratically unreadable I use a magnifying glass. Or I would if I had remembered to put it back in its drawer.
"Mathematics are the result of mysterious powers which no one understands, and which the unconscious recognition of beauty must play an important part. Out of an infinity of designs a mathematician chooses one pattern for beauty's sake and pulls it down to earth."