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Sunday Mayhem

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  • Sunday Mayhem

    This past Sunday my friend Pete and I decided to do a little ride up Old San Jose so he could give the DRZ a try... (Always test ride before you think of buying!)

    Anyhow, around 11:00AM we a took a left hand turn off the Bay St. exit and were confronted by a GAGGLE of sport bikes (Crotch Rockets, Rice Burners, yatta yatta yatta). There were at least 50 bikes, both solo and 2-up, in the group along with someone driving chase in a red import with a video camera man hanging out the passenger window.

    As we passed the Ugly Mug at Soquel Ave and up to Soquel High we did our best to get around them... yeah right. By the time we got up to Casalegno's everyone of the, um... squidiots had passed by us. I'll say however in their defense that nobody buzzed us, giving wide berth in passing. At this point we're riding our own ride and not theirs, which was fine by us.  Not more than two minutes past "Lonny Curve" we were met by the too familiar view of bikes pulled over with riders giving the slow down wave of their arms. Something/Someone went down. Was a car involved or just lone rider error, who knows?  I didn't rubber neck and I wasn't about to stop and ask in a group of this magnitude. At this point there was no first responder on scene.

    In hindsight, as we first came upon this group at the exit off 101, I knew someone was going down before they reached Summit. It was inevitable.

    I forgot to mention in the beginning that in this entire group I didn't see a single rider in full leathers, or ballistics for that matter? There were plenty of tight jeans and exposed midriffs which I’m sure were eye candy for the other riders in the group. I’m sure that after that first visit to the E.R. and the nurse with the scrub brush, their views on safety gear will change.

    It’s too bad that’s what it takes most of the time.

  • #2
    Re: Sunday Mayhem

    Sunday was the one year anniversary of my friend Benji's death on his ZX10R (84 at night, turck made a U-turn, blocked the road).    A daredevil surely, a squid probably, what do you want to do Jason.. this is indeed inevitable.. I do my best convincing people around me to wear full leathers and know their limits! .. One exception though: Those exposed midriffs ur talking about.. too yummy to say no!...  :P


    • #3
      Re: Sunday Mayhem

      Did someone say middriffs????!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


      • #4
        Re: Sunday Mayhem

        I have a scar on my midriff, and I still remember the kiss of The Brush. Of course, I didn't bare my midriff on purpose - I was in leather from toes to fingertips, with a proper full-face helmet. My leathers were 2-piece, separate pants and jacket, and they zipped together in the back, which I thought was a great idea. Unfortunately, when I got off, I was on my side for part of the slide, and that gap in the front where the leathers didn't zip together is where the remorseless physics of a 45 mph asphalt belt sander made short work of my shirt... and the skin under it. :-/

        I still wear the leathers I got to replace those. The new leathers zip together all the way around. ;D It's rare that I get on the bike without them, even in oven-like weather.


        • #5
          Re: Sunday Mayhem

          Originally posted by ShortRound
          Did someone say middriffs????!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
          Do these qualify as "midriffs"? ;D


          • #6
            Re: Sunday Mayhem

            Firewall banned me from viewing.


            • #7
              Re: Sunday Mayhem

              You have been "BANNED"................ ;D

