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I lost My Zen

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  • I lost My Zen

    I thought alot about this,after this last ride, I'am all done with this ride at someones pace,a public ride should conform to the law. I know that I can,while riding alone, do what I wish and aflict no one to do the same. I put My life in My hand's when I want to,not Your's. Please don't tempt Me...I'll Kill You..You see?.

  • #2
    Re: I lost My Zen



    While we might have been riding a bit above posted limits...

    At what point were we doing anything dangerous?

    The idea behind having a lead and sweep is that those that want to ride in a spirited manner can, and those that want to hang back and move at their own pace can.

    If you had a problem with the pace of the ride on saturday, talk to me. was all straight line highway..and we were all in the right lane.


    • #3
      Re: I lost My Zen

      I retract all I said,I'am prick,a dick head,a ass hole....ect. and I'll never post again,sorry to piss You off. I promise never to ride on any events again.


      • #4
        Re: I lost My Zen

        are you ok man? talk to me,you dont sound well
        "We want to be free. We want to be free to do what we want to do. We want to be free to ride. And we want to be free to ride our machines without getting hassled by The Man. And we want to get loaded."

        "I can't promise you sticking your dick in a diamondback's mouth and zapping it with a cattle prod *will* get your pecker bitten, but I can promise you it's a BAD FUCKING IDEA" -Rotten

        "Guns, stolen motorcycles, and dead hookers tend to attract a lot of attention"


        • #5
          Re: I lost My Zen

          huh? I led the ride to the city at 75/80mph as we agreed at the beginning. Voice your opinion Tim! We can always have two groups. I can ride slow.. it gives more time to the girls driving cars to check out our good looks anyway... ;D You r the one who dusted me going down close to the 92 exit... Or was it too fast from the coffee shop to the range?.. It felt like regular street/hwy speeds.. Yes Eric also rode a little fast on the way back south (101) but he just wanted to show off for Alison, you know hormones and everything  :.. haha and I let him go, we can all ride at whichever pace we want... U need your Zen back! Ride safe!  


          • #6
            Re: I lost My Zen

            I can't recall ever having been on a public ride that really conformed to the law as far as speed went, and I've been on rides run by quite a number of different people. Even on newbie rides the front of the group was above the posted limit.

            I'm almost always the slow one that all the others wait for too.


            • #7
              Re: I lost My Zen

              Originally posted by ro-monster
              almost always the slow one that all the others wait for too.
              You are the one we all want to wait for...  :


              • #8
                Re: I lost My Zen

                Tim .. did you delete your account? You show as a guest now... Come on! We cannot ride without our favorite two strokes!! I m rding to the SF Vamps tomorrow. Come along and we will just enjoy a relaxed all-Aprilia ride on 280!


                • #9
                  Re: I lost My Zen

                  I wasnt showing off, I was using myself as a decoy. I figure if I went fast enough, that would pull the attention from you guys to allow you to have fun and not worry. I did it for you. And I need to mention, this part of the ride had nothing to do with the Vampires and their ride. What we do to and from the ride is on us. I wanted to put that out there. The ride itself was within the law, organized and safe, how we get to and from there, thats on us. I usually will play around at the front of the pack, but if I see someone is falling behind or having issues, I will fall back to make sure we dont lose them. As for mr Mille R Lover - you are a madman, I am glad I chose not to try and keep up with you, I have a family to go home to, If you choose to do 140 - 150 mph on 280, thats on you, I just think maybe you should try to keep it down a notch if you plan on having others ride with you. Some of our bikes dot go that fast, right Two_stroke?
                  You Suck


                  • #10
                    Re: I lost My Zen

                    glad to see you are back, now pick up your damn phone. And you, mr speed racer, were leading the pack for a bit, I was just suprised I couldnt hear you bike screaming when you passed me, It was so quiet. but be that special carbon /hose clamp fisher Price exhaust you have on there.
                    You Suck


                    • #11
                      Re: I lost My Zen

                      Originally posted by twostroke
                      The string broke on the tin can,no dile tone. I passed You?,heck I had my eyes closed,missed that one. poor lit'el bike had no more steeam,had to use the down hill to help.  I'l check the messages.
                      I knew I should have bought the light weight hose clamps, you just need to lighten up your bike a bit, loose all that extra weight. Like the brakes, do you really need front and back brakes? Tail lights, do they make you see any better? And knowing you, you are probably running stock air in your tires, huh? Heliun, its the only way to go. The seat, come on, such dead weight, do you really need the seat, how important in comfort? fold up a sock and you are good to go, or wear underwear, that should be enough padding. think about it, just listen to me and we can shed at least a pound or two off your bike. Ad that to the few pounds you drop doing your home enama kit prior to the ride like I told you. man, you should be able to hit 120- 130 mph in no time. Thats like 200 on a real bike
                      Just messin with you - Mr "I'll take the Glock"
                      You Suck


                      • #12
                        Re: I lost My Zen

                        I thought the sock was like a codpiece ? I know that it has been working for you, but some us us don't have endowment issues.
                        "Mathematics are the result of mysterious powers which no one understands, and which the unconscious recognition of beauty must play an important part. Out of an infinity of designs a mathematician chooses one pattern for beauty's sake and pulls it down to earth."

                        Marston Morse


                        • #13
                          Re: I lost My Zen

                          Originally posted by dollarbill
                          I thought the sock was like a codpiece ? I know that it has been working for you, but some us us don't have endowment issues.
                          First off, I know several people(women) in this county and most rural farmlands surrounding that can vouch for the size of my member. But hey, even if you are so well endowed, whats the point if you dont get to use it?
                          You Suck

