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2nd Vampire Meeting

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  • 2nd Vampire Meeting

    I have found bikers who like to ride,Bill said,"Bikes 1st,Club 2nd,and life 3rd",I wonder how I have been getting this all wrong for such a long time,it's nice to be back!, Thanks to all the Vampies for all the support and some of the best times to be had and to come. "One learns to center on the things they do well, then they find Beau's Junk". One Dollar Pleease!. ;D

  • #2
    Re: 2nd Vampire Meeting

    Tim, sorry I did not make it to Perg this time. Did many people show up at the coffee shop?.. Last time was just two Vamps so for me to ride from Sunnyvale.. Looks like most of you go directly to the meetings .. and since I am still "persona non grata" there.. Oh well.. :


    • #3
      Re: 2nd Vampire Meeting

      Yes,many did show this time,lot's of fun stories and jokes.


      • #4
        Re: 2nd Vampire Meeting

        And naked asian nymphomaniacs everywhere, I was like man, too bad our little French friend isnt here, so we packed them all up and dragged them back to the meeting. OK, I lied, there was only about 10. There might still be a couple laying around the club house, Short Round messed a couple of them up pretty good, what an animal. 8)
        You Suck


        • #5
          Re: 2nd Vampire Meeting

          ;D I always miss the good ones! ;D .. Asian nymphomaniacs.. darn...


          • #6
            Re: 2nd Vampire Meeting

            Originally posted by French Mille-R Lover
            ;D I always miss the good ones!  ;D .. Asian nymphomaniacs.. darn...
            Yeah, but they werent that great to talk to, they didnt speak much english and were way too f***ing drunk. That and they said "we takea way too mucha the X", what ever that is suppose to mean?
            You Suck


            • #7
              Re: 2nd Vampire Meeting

              I ll try to be there tomorrow night (At Perg). Hope to see at least Tim 2 strokes around!


              • #8
                Re: 2nd Vampire Meeting

                Was nice hanging out with some of you guys at Perg yesterday. I have to say, Crash might be a service mechanics at BMW but to me he is like the best salesman ever. After listenning to him for an hour I spent my evening checking the BMW motorcycles website... haaaaa the K1200s is a beauty!


                • #9
                  Re: 2nd Vampire Meeting

                  Does BMW have any plans to come out with a K1200S Police Edition? 8)



                  • #10
                    Re: 2nd Vampire Meeting

                    What does it take to make a "police edition" of a BMW bike? besides the paint job.. ? Custom brakes? Radio stuff? Gun holster?..


                    • #11
                      Re: 2nd Vampire Meeting

                      Originally posted by French Mille-R Lover
                      What does it take to make a "police edition" of a BMW bike? besides the paint job.. ? Custom brakes? Radio stuff? Gun holster?..
                      paint, crash bars, different final drive gearing.

                      "Mathematics are the result of mysterious powers which no one understands, and which the unconscious recognition of beauty must play an important part. Out of an infinity of designs a mathematician chooses one pattern for beauty's sake and pulls it down to earth."

                      Marston Morse

