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ARAI Helmets' changes...

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  • ARAI Helmets' changes...

    Did anyone encounter the same problems as me getting a new ARAI helmet? I had two Quantum-f that fitted perfectly, but when I tried the new Quantum-2 it was just too short, standing high on my head, I had to switch to the Astral and the flat black (frost) is backordered so I should get it by the end of August!!!.. I tried Shoei (too wide at the jaws) definitely not my shape and Suomy, too narrow (Could not get in)... To make things funnier I got boots and since they were the same as the ones I have now I only tried one on, once at home I realized they did not match (Same size smae model but different years/fabric). Called the shop, (Got to talk to Amy! yeah!) The other match is at Scuderia waiting for me to pick it up next weekend.. doh..

  • #2
    Re: ARAI Helmets' changes...

    Sort of. I've been wearing a Quantum/e since the 90's, and I decided to replace it last month. I bought a Quantum 2 in size S (my head swam in an M), and while overall it's not as tight as the Quantum/e was when I bought it, it does feel "shorter" and my lips touch the inside of the chin bar way too easily. As it wears in it's starting to feel more comfortable, but I still don't feel like it's quite as good a fit.

    When I was breaking in the e, I got slight headaches for about a week. With the 2, I haven't had any headaches, but after my first long ride (12 hours in the helmet after only a couple days' owning it) my ears were killing me. The ear problem *seems* to have gone away. Maybe my ears are broken in now....?

    I have to say I'm disappointed in the 2's ventilation so far. I always felt the e was kinda hot, but when I opened the top vents (one front, one back) I could feel some air on the top of my head. With the 2, the top vents (2 front, 2 back) don't seem to make any difference at all. Maybe this will change once the helmet is fully settled onto my head, but I'm not hopeful. I don't seem to get as much result from the face area vents either.

    One of the things I wanted to accomplish with a new helmet was a custom paint job, but I'm still so worried about whether it's going to break in properly that I haven't done it yet.


    • #3
      Re: ARAI Helmets' changes...

      Interesting. In my case the chin was protected in the Quantum/f and sticking out in the Quantum-2. Several guys at Scuderia had the same problems when they switched. Some went for SHOEI some went for the Astral.. Hopefully with time the top pads will give in a little bit and the helmet get lower...


      • #4
        Re: ARAI Helmets' changes...

        The quantums never fit me. They are too round and I can barely get my head into one so I bought the Arai Signet GT instead that has a much more oval shape and fit me better. When I got into a bad accident a short time later my face hit the windshield pillar of an oncoming Jeep hard enough to fracture off a large chunck of my C1 vertabrae but I suffered no head injuries at all. Had I been wearing my old flip face Nolan I've no doubt the birds would be picking my brain matter out of cracks in the pavement for months. Good enough for me. I replaced that helmet with the newer Signet GTR with removeable liner. The helmet fits great but I hate the visor system which only opens half way so my view is obstructed and they venting system is pretty poor too. I honestly can't tell if the vents are open or closed without checking them. While I'm pleased with the durability and fit I will look at other brands next time.

        A tip from a friend is that when sizing helmets avoid ones that feel like they are putting pressure on your skull. The top foam will not break in and bad headaches can result. Also, most helmets will feel tight on the ears and cheeks at first but hey will generaly break in comfortably if sized correctly. Personally I wouldn't buy a helmet that caused me to bite the inside of my cheeks when closing my mouth.

        Go to for all your custom helmet painting needs. He's located in S.F.


        • #5
          Re: ARAI Helmets' changes...

          I have to agree on the vent issues. I never know whether or not these things are open and there is always some air circulating right into my eye (which for a contacts wearer means dry dry eyes). I installed the anti-fog & anti-UV screen inside the shield which seems to do the work so far (and the cool part is that it is clear at night and dark in the sun, no need to switch shields, photosensitive stuff).
          I tried the other ARAI and every other brand around, and the Astral is the only one I feel comfortable in and goes low enough over my chin. Too bad it is backordered until 09/01. Gives me time to finish the old scratched Quantum-f. Or maybe I could have this one custom painted by the contact you listed at the bottom of your posting..

