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TO YO TA Hunting on 129

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  • TO YO TA Hunting on 129

    Help find the toyota that hurt Eric on HWY 129 >!, We can do it for Eric and all Bikers! I'll rig up a rack on the hood for Eric to sit and aim,point,shoot ;D. And for all you hit and run drivers, I have a tazer you can stick where the sun don't shine.

  • #2
    Re: TO YO TA Hunting on 129

    Originally posted by Two_stroke
    Help find the toyota that hurt Eric on HWY 129  >!, We can do it for Eric and all Bikers! I'll rig up a rack on the hood for Eric to sit and aim,point,shoot ;D. And for all you hit and run drivers, I have a tazer you can stick where the sun don't shine.
    It shouldnt be hard, green compact, pretty sure its Toyota with Aprilia on the passenger rear quarter panel, I think my left turn signal too.
    You Suck


    • #3
      Re: TO YO TA Hunting on 129

      Did You have time for a Kodak moment and get us some pictures? ;D. it seem's like slo-mo when it happens.


      • #4
        Re: TO YO TA Hunting on 129

        If I was up that way I'd gladly lend you my truck to help rearrange that car into a crushed aluminum can


        • #5
          Re: TO YO TA Hunting on 129

          Im not a police sketch artist or anything, but I think this is what it looked like

          or may have just looked like this

          You Suck


          • #6
            Re: TO YO TA Hunting on 129

            Damm, You hit Your Head real hard,Your not in town any more. I want real info so I can program this gun to kill all aniti bike cars,come's with auto track and cell phone killer. Nice Pic'S Eric.


            • #7
              Re: TO YO TA Hunting on 129

              Originally posted by Two_stroke
              Damm, You hit Your Head real hard,Your not in town any more. I want real info so I can program this gun to kill all aniti bike cars,come's with auto track and cell phone killer. Nice Pic'S Eric.
              You liked the Aprilia on the side of the car huh? I knew you would appreciate the touch, Its been a long week, so I am not sure what accessories she had, and forgot what color her sombrero was, but it should give a good idea what to look for.
              You Suck


              • #8
                Re: TO YO TA Hunting on 129

                Originally posted by wyngdlyon
                If I was up that way I'd gladly lend you my truck to help rearrange that car into a crushed aluminum can
                I still wanna use your truck though, that way I can get a good look out in the fields for her, dont wanna get my 20's muddy, but dont worry, it will be in good hands, Ive never wrecked before. It would be in good hands with me. ;D
                You Suck


                • #9
                  Re: TO YO TA Hunting on 129

                  In order to successfully hunt down a Toyota you need to first start off with good camoflauge.

                  They're not 20's, only 15's, but they'll GITER DONE! ;D


                  • #10
                    Re: TO YO TA Hunting on 129

                    Well, it looks like my road to recovery is going to take a bit longer, I went back to doc yesterday because pain not lightening up at all and still having hard time breathing. Gee, maybe because they missed the two broken ribs in back and the rib that ripped off my sternum in the front. The funny thing is they took chest xrays, but were only looking at my lungs. I asked why something like that gets overlooked, he said well, it doesnt really matter, there is nothing we can do for ribs anyways. Well fuck doc, if something in me is broken, god damn it, I wanna know. Im telling you, i think Santa Cruz Medical Clinic only requires one unit at Cabrillo of anything medical related(includes P.E.) to be a doctor there. So his answer to everything was physical therapy, I'm down, isnt that hot oil massage by hot brazillian chic? Doubt it, my luck I would get a chipper fella named Blain or Enrique'.
                    You Suck


                    • #11
                      Re: TO YO TA Hunting on 129

                      Are You sure you did'nt get beat up by the &quot;bikini Karate Girls&quot; ? ;Dhttp://<a href="http://www.planetvid...Girls.html</a>


                      • #12
                        Re: TO YO TA Hunting on 129

                        Originally posted by Two_stroke
                        Are You sure you did'nt get beat up by the &quot;bikini Karate Girls&quot; ? ;Dhttp://<a href="http://www.planetvid...Girls.html</a>

                        Damn it MAN! Now you've blown his cover and his wife will find out.

                        In the interests of justice, I studdied that video exhaustively and must report I saw no evidence of a sombrero or spinners.


                        • #13
                          Re: TO YO TA Hunting on 129

                          Originally posted by u_cant_prove_it
                          Im telling you, i think Santa Cruz Medical Clinic only requires one unit at Cabrillo of anything medical related(includes P.E.) to be a doctor there.

                          be glad you werent in my unit in fort benning. didn't matter if you stubbed your toe, or got run over by a tank. you could guarantee one thing: a fist full of motrin, and an RTD (return to duty).


                          • #14
                            Re: TO YO TA Hunting on 129

                            Originally posted by dirty_j

                            be glad you werent in my unit in fort benning. didn't matter if you stubbed your toe, or got run over by a tank. you could guarantee one thing: a fist full of motrin, and an RTD (return to duty).
                            You got Motrin? You lucky bastards, all I got was a blow-pop (no relation to my dick) and a ballon, that wasnt even blown up.
                            They said if I dont cry next time they fill the baloon with helium so I can suck it all out (no relation) and talk funny.
                            You Suck


                            • #15
                              Re: TO YO TA Hunting on 129

                              Originally posted by Gromit
                              In order to successfully hunt down a Toyota you need to first start off with good camoflauge.

                              They're not 20's, only 15's, but they'll GITER DONE!  ;D
                              You are offering me you Toyota? Wow man that's so god damn nice. I will camoflauge it for you just like you wanted, just let me know which era we are going with, if you want the standard green, brown and tans or the desert storm greys, maybe the Santa Cruz Lesbians against My dick rainbow colors. Man, you rock!
                              You Suck

