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  • MotoGP

    well, while i am not there in person, i will be able to watch the race live from here. i can only hope that you will bring out the vampire banner. i think it would be cool to see. internationally. sorry, bad rhyme. stay safe bro's, have fun at the races. the live cast will be at 0630 monday morning.

  • #2
    Re: MotoGP

    well, with a lap time of 1'22.670", nicky haden is given 25 points. rossi, as the favorite, gets 1.4. im putting my money on hayden. wish me luck. andy, get me some pics, fukker! ;D


    • #3
      Re: MotoGP

      well, a $300 dollar bet netted me a cool $1628.62USD! thank you nicky hayden! i did see a patch in the crowd, but only a brief flash (at least, it looked like one...). didnt get his face though. hope y'all had fun. i watched it in a casino sports bar. with 2 other people. big fukkin' t.v.. the only thing better would be being there.

