Hello everyone!
I've been visiting your website for quite a while trying to decide if I wanted to write an article about you all. I finally decided you are too interesting not to write about.
I am the founder of a vampire magazine called The Hunted. Now I know you all are not real vampires, but hey, you fit into the genre in an offbeat around the corner kind of way. I'd like to do an interview if I could but if not that's ok I've got my article written. What I would like to know is if there are any of you who are willing to allow me to use photos of you and your bikes. I'd also like to find out more information about the tradition of your patches.
I'm a couple of hours from Santa Cruz and it would be hard for me to come and see you all in person right now but if I really have to I could figure something out. Any of you riding through Merced in the near future? If so please let me know.
I hope I've not ruined your forums and that you'll get back to me. I look forward to hearing from any of you. You can contact me at silkenshadows@sbcglobal.net
thank you
Dum Vivamus, vivumus
I've been visiting your website for quite a while trying to decide if I wanted to write an article about you all. I finally decided you are too interesting not to write about.
I am the founder of a vampire magazine called The Hunted. Now I know you all are not real vampires, but hey, you fit into the genre in an offbeat around the corner kind of way. I'd like to do an interview if I could but if not that's ok I've got my article written. What I would like to know is if there are any of you who are willing to allow me to use photos of you and your bikes. I'd also like to find out more information about the tradition of your patches.
I'm a couple of hours from Santa Cruz and it would be hard for me to come and see you all in person right now but if I really have to I could figure something out. Any of you riding through Merced in the near future? If so please let me know.
I hope I've not ruined your forums and that you'll get back to me. I look forward to hearing from any of you. You can contact me at silkenshadows@sbcglobal.net
thank you
Dum Vivamus, vivumus