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I need an alternate to 17

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  • I need an alternate to 17

    OK 17 has just become Police Academy ground. They are everywhere. At the summit the two biker cops don;t even have time to park, they make U-turn and pull over non stop.
    I like 9 but it gets too crowded and the other side to Saratoga is not as fun downhill.
    I took Old San Jose today, of course there was a cop car (thanks to another rider I had been warned early about this one). My question: Once I reach Summit road, is there a way to go down to San Jose or South of it besides 17 or 9?..

  • #2
    Re: I need an alternate to 17

    Sounds like you hit one of the "Special Enforcement Days" where it's at least two bikes and three cars (12 was the total count one day)

    Yes there is an alt btw...Old San Jose to Summit, Summit to Old Santa Cruz which will drop you off by Bear Creak on 17.
    I've got your mother's maiden name tattooed on my arm...


    • #3
      Re: I need an alternate to 17

      Thanks a lot Adrian,
      Is that the road that goes parallel to 17 at the reservoir?..
      So I assume instead of turning left on Summit towards 17 I would go right to find that old Santa Cruz road?


      • #4
        Re: I need an alternate to 17

        Old San Jose to Summit
        Left on Summit
        Past the School
        On the right, there is a small turnoff called Old Santa Cruz
        take that and it drops away from Summit
        I've got your mother's maiden name tattooed on my arm...


        • #5
          Re: I need an alternate to 17

          152 is nice,on Your side pick @ 101 or Santa Teresa,then on this side use freedom Blvd. to skip down town watsonville. sometimes CHP is on freedom Blvd.,The office is @ the end @1.


          • #6
            Re: I need an alternate to 17

            Thanks Adrian & Tim. So many new options! ;D

            PS I also noticed some tar melting on 17, my back wheel skidded nicely on it.


            • #7
              Re: I need an alternate to 17

              I think what you encountered on 17 was Hot Patch, also known at "Tar Snakes" to us motorcyclists. They're used to fill in the many pavement cracks and can be found all over 17 and surrounding mountain roads. Never too much of an issue in the dry months, but it can make wet, winter riding a hair raising experience.


              • #8
                Re: I need an alternate to 17

                Unless you are in Gold Country type heat and then they are liquid tar snakes and worse than wet.

                Mille lover, the O.S.J. rd. route is fun but will take much longer. I have a real mind bending idea.

                Why don't you just try riding the speed limit over 17 everyday. It will ad less that 2 minutes to your commute time and can save thousands in ticket and insurance penalties. Not to mention the fact it could save your life...


                • #9
                  Re: I need an alternate to 17

                  On the Saratoga side on 9 at mile marker 3.0 there's a road to the left - Redwood Gulch road. Drops you off at Stevens Canyon Road, ride past reservoir and you're on foothill expressway or 280.

                  Tar snakes are a bitch when it's wet, even from marine layer fog wetness.
                  "Mathematics are the result of mysterious powers which no one understands, and which the unconscious recognition of beauty must play an important part. Out of an infinity of designs a mathematician chooses one pattern for beauty's sake and pulls it down to earth."

                  Marston Morse


                  • #10
                    Re: I need an alternate to 17

                    Originally posted by Goose
                    Mille lover, the O.S.J. rd. route is fun but will take much longer. I have a real mind bending idea.
                    Why don't you just try riding the speed limit over 17 everyday. It will ad less that 2 minutes to your commute time and can save thousands in ticket and insurance penalties. Not to mention the fact it could save your life...
                    I ride to and from Santa Cruz for fun, I do not commute on 17. (I live in Sunnyvale). And riding at 50mph (let's say 60mph assuming the CHP don;t pull over at that speed) is OK when I want to cruise, but I like the ideas suggested above for weekend rides. Should I be commuting I would definitely take 17 and be happy that the CHP keep it a slow (& safer) highway.
                    I just flew back from Paris and the Taxi ride I got from downtown to the airport was unbelievable, motorcycles and scooters in Paris are insane. You have no idea, jumps over the bus lanes, slalom in middle of the intersections.. A real show!.. Next to that, all our mountain highways feel very safe!


                    • #11
                      Re: I need an alternate to 17

                      You want play roads?.


                      • #12
                        Re: I need an alternate to 17

                        First off, why the hell would you pull over, you are on a bike, run for it! Second, if you go fast enough, oh lets say 165mph when you pass one parked or on the other side, they dont even chase you! They do get on their little radios and tell everyone else to look out for you. But come on, you know thats going to happen, so when you see them seeing you, you just change up your route at the next major turn off and go the scenic route.
                        OK, maybe for you, the speed limit is a good thing. Just remember, its hard for them to clock you with a semi in the way, i love to jog around those in the hot spots.
                        Slow down you speed freak!
                        You Suck


                        • #13
                          Re: I need an alternate to 17

                          Heeemm,Nitro Brain?,TwistGrip School?. Main Street=No,Back Street=O.K.,Track=Fargengoforit !!! ;D


                          • #14
                            Re: I need an alternate to 17

                            Originally posted by Two_stroke
                            Heeemm,Nitro Brain?,TwistGrip School?. Main Street=No,Back Street=O.K.,Track=Fargengoforit !!!   ;D
                            System command/language/translator;..www-pppoe- lmnop-go

                            Translate the following-
                            from: Lower east side jibber jabber biker trash.
                            "Heeemm,Nitro Brain?,TwistGrip School?. Main Street=No,Back Street=O.K.,Track=Fargengoforit !!! "

                            to: English
                            "Eric, Your skills are incredible, You are so fast, your thinking so sharp, like a razor. It seems a waste that you are not sharing your many skills with the rest of the world. It is no wonder that you are more liked than the Back Street Boys.
                            Please stay with us, teach us, dont send us back to our Volkswagons."

                            Wow, Thanks man It's just how I ride
                            You Suck


                            • #15
                              Re: I need an alternate to 17

                              Very nice,LOL! ;D. Your skills in code breaking are superlative as is how You ride. Jean Francois still needs a alternate,I said 152,perhapts 84? and when he picks one, he can take your riding class.

