So, I thought it was some time in January when it was so cold the girls looked great and the guys, well, you know. :-/
Anyone know if/when this is happening?
Two up, riding behind Katie naked. Now that's a ride. Ooh ooh, if we could borrow the side car, and she was driving, then I could...(*slams dollar down on table*)...I'm out.
Timmeh... you have a really good imagination! Creative even... I meant riding your own bike, silly! ha ha ha... So.. does this mean I'll actually get to see you out of those tighty whities soon??
I CAN'T believe I missed it!!!!! :'(
I've been waiting all year for that ride, I've just been so busy I have not kept up with checking here. And all those visions of Tim behind me...
hee hee hee
Somebody call me next time, please?
How was it?