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Cagers not signaling

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  • Cagers not signaling

    Does anyone else here besides myself have a problem with those Ass Monkeys who don't use their turn signals?

    Once again this morning, I had some guy pull out in front of me in the #1 lane. I wasn't cut off or anything, but what really chapped my hide was the lack of signaling.


  • #2
    Re: Cagers not signaling

    Is that even a question????? I am convinced the majority of the drivers think turning signals are an option on their car, such as AC or GPS... They NEVER use their signals! .. I would say every morning, at least once on my way to work, someone changes lane in front of me with no signal whasoever, and every 3 days one does it right into me since they also forget to check their blind angle...


    • #3
      Re: Cagers not signaling

      In response to the offending drivers, whenever possible, I pull past them and position myself in front of them. I then proceed to activate my left turn signal and leave it flashing at them until I need to exit the highway, or they do.
      Today's offender, a silver Chevy pickup truck, got the chance to stare at my blinky-orange light for neary three miles, until they pulled off in Los Gatos ;D


      • #4
        Re: Cagers not signaling

        Ummm...can I plead ignorance on this one. I know that when I drive my car, I do this, however not to bikes. I have a tendency to drive my car like I ride my bike...which usually means I don't use my turn signals. But I am very aware of bikes on the road and stay out of their way when I am in a car. Does that make up for my lack of signals...hopefully!


        • #5
          Re: Cagers not signaling

          Stilll... I say a nice (in a non angry fashion) finger and a loud exhaust pipe right next to their window is the best punishment!... : Especially to that whale who almost killed me on 880 with a sign on her pick up "First Iraq, Next France"... hahaha ;D


          • #6
            Re: Cagers not signaling

            Cagers are just mad because they cant lane split. I am very cautious when I lane split and I look for openings more than I look for signals. If there is no where for them to cross into the other lane, not so many worries. Except for that hispanic fellow yesterday that was rolling a cigarette or something, almost swiped me, same day, lady in Volvo, mad at the world. Didnt like the fact I passed her, so when we got to the light, it turned, she floored it to pass me , in the turning lane, And came within about an inch of driving up my tail pipe (bike's, not mine)Capitola PD was right there, watching the whole thing, didnt even blink. So I just followed her home, and right when she was pulling in her driveway, I gave her a nice little honk and one finger wave. She looked upset. ??? :-[ :'(
            You Suck


            • #7
              Re: Cagers not signaling

              There is only one time when I am happy to have some cagers share the road with me.... at night on 17. Coming back from Faster (Cool to see Wayne btw) at 11pm , pitch black and my only way to see inside a turn is to stay 100 yards behind a car and use it as target in the curves....


              • #8
                Re: Cagers not signaling

                Don't get me started!! I think it's a California thing... Mark doesn't signal EVER in his car, either. Actually, I don't think he does much on his bike, either. But it drives me freaking frantic. I always use my signal and it just makes me nuts when people don't use them.

                As for cagers and cigarettes, I had this jackass edging into the center lane last week, trying to keep me from splitting up to a red light in downtown SF. He kept watching me coming up on him (I saw him twenty cars up, trying to cut me off). Luckily, it was a dead stop, so by the time I got to him he hadn't totally cut off my splitting area. However, that f*cker THREW his cigarette at me. I stopped right at his window, looked in and calmly said, "You missed." He was f*cking SHOCKED to see I was a chick. Excellent. And then the light turned and, well, of course I left him in the dust. ;D

                LOL Why are people such idiots?


                • #9
                  Re: Cagers not signaling

                  Originally posted by French Mille-R Lover
                  Stilll... I say a nice (in a non angry fashion) finger and a loud exhaust pipe right next to their window is the best punishment!...
                  I have to disagree here. You accomplish nothing with this behavior except to increase the over all level of animosity between bikers and cagers. You have to remember that these people are COMPLETELY oblivious to all other road users and will not have the slightest idea that they had done anything wrong or inconsiderate. All they will know is some asshole biker is driving dangerously close to them and makeing rude uncalled for hand gestures at them and risking an accident.

                  How have you taught them anything except bikers are rude, dangerous assholes?


                  • #10
                    Re: Cagers not signaling

                    I agree with you on the rude part but doing nothing is not the solution... I have seen cars litterally going sideways to wipe me out of a lane and not even noticing I am there. When I pass them and move my arms, i noticed several of them being like "oops sorry I had no idea"... When they make a sign to apolgize i usually wave at them in a "It's OK" fashion.. I am sure the rude finger is unnecessary but some kind of awarness taught to them is good... What do you do in these situations? U just let them go ignoring you even were on that same road?.. What if the next biker is not so lucky or skilled to avoid them?
                    PS I have to admit I got angrier since I moved near San Jose... drivers are soooo bad here...


                    • #11
                      Re: Cagers not signaling

                      Some will keep living by the "Loud Pipes Save Lives" moto. Personally I like the loud pipe sometime, just because I like listening to my V4 howling at 8.5k rpms. Moike says it sounds like a Ferrari ;D
                      As loud as your aftermarket pipe may be, you'll usually overtake a cager before he/she ever hears your carbon fiber or titanium bling-bling.
                      Having the cager SEE you is the best way for collision avoidance. All my motorcycles over the last 5-6 years have been fitted with headlight modulators, which rapidly flash your highbeams during daylight hours. I've found that when lane splitting with the modulator activated, most all cagers part like the Moses at the Red Sea!
                      Modulator cost a little bit (around the $100 mark) but it's money WELL spent and you can transfer it from bike to bike.
                      It's definitely worth checking out.



                      • #12
                        Re: Cagers not signaling

                        however I do believe that the headlight modulators are technically illegal (along the same grounds of blue running lights)

                        They can modulate for something like 3-5 seconds, but continous modulation is the province of the 5-0
                        I've got your mother's maiden name tattooed on my arm...


                        • #13
                          Re: Cagers not signaling

                          Originally posted by elfboy
                          however I do believe that the headlight modulators are technically illegal (along the same grounds of blue running lights)

                          They can modulate for something like 3-5 seconds, but continous modulation is the province of the 5-0
                          Here's the GOOD NEWS ;D

                          Modulators are legal in all fifty states. Below you will find the federal Mandate which makes modulators legal. No state can override the federal law, and therefore any motorcycle can modulate their headlights, provided they follow the federal guidelines. Kisan modulators meets or exceed the federal standards.

                          Federal Motor Vehicle Standards

                          Department of Transportation
                          National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
                          Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
                          49 CFR Parts 571
                          [Docket No. 97-57; Notice 1]
                          Executive Order 12866

                          Motorcycle Headlamp Modulation System

                          s7.9.1 A headlamp on a motorcycle may be wired to either the upper or the lower beam from its maximum intensity to a lesser intensity provided that:
                          (a) The rate of modulation shall be 240 +/- 40 cycles per minute.
                          (b) The headlamp shall be operated at maximum power for 50 to 70 percent of each cycle
                          (c) The lowest intensity at any test point shall be not less than 17% of the maximum intensity measured at the same point.
                          (d) The modulator switch shall be wired in the power feed of the beam filament being modulated and not in the ground side of the circuit.
                          (e) Means shall be provided so that both the lower beam and the upper beam remain operable in the event of a modulator failure.
                          (f) The system shall include a sensor mounted with the axis of its sensing element perpendicular to the horizontal plane. Headlamp modulation shall cease whenever the level of light . . . . less then 270 lux.

                          Partial reprint of:
                          Federal Registar: Feb. 21 1996 (Volume 61 No. 35)


                          • #14
                            Re: Cagers not signaling

                            Modulator.. Modulator... and I am in Toronto now.. Wonder if they are legal here ;D Thanks for the inputs! Visibility seems to be the word. To see and be seen.


                            • #15
                              Re: Cagers not signaling

                              It happened again this morning.. this truck went right into my lane, no signal whatsoever. I slammed the brakes (Thank you Mr Brembo) no possibility of changing lane 'cause there were cars all around.. And as he was just finishing his daring blind move, an inch of my front wheel I could read "How's my driving?" call 1 800....on his tailgate.. I was laughing and getting ready to call.. But then i felt bad, the guy is running a delivery at 6.30am, working for some mechanics company, probably no coffee yet, low wage.. I just smiled ([And. as for the finger.. well it came up before I could think of your wise words.. : ]

                              Originally posted by Goose

                              I have to disagree here. You accomplish nothing with this behavior except to increase the over all level of animosity between bikers and cagers. You have to remember that these people are COMPLETELY oblivious to all other road users and will not have the slightest idea that they had done anything wrong or inconsiderate. All they will know is some asshole biker is driving dangerously close to them and makeing rude uncalled for hand gestures at them and risking an accident.

                              How have you taught them anything except bikers are rude, dangerous assholes?

