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Vamp away from home

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  • Vamp away from home

    Are the Vampires still doing the Vampire thing? I've been away for a few years but was a member from 96 till 2001. Man, I miss the roads in Cal, Florida is flat and flat. And mostly straight lines.


  • #2
    Re: Vamp away from home

    and humid as hell...

    in a short answer. Yes ;D

    in fact the 10 year rally was just this past April
    I've got your mother's maiden name tattooed on my arm...


    • #3
      Re: Vamp away from home

      I'm coming to visit soon and will expect much rejoicing from my many adoring fans. Or we could all just go to the Red and shitfaced.

      I'm currently waiting for the wrath of god (another hurricane) to wipe Florida off the map. That's according to the freaky-ass suthern baptists here that think any natural disaster is a message from god. I swear, it's like living with third graders. These people use the word "smote" in everyday conversation.

      I haven't even sat on a bike since I've been gone. I suck.


      p.s. I expect everything to be just like I left it, nobody touch my stuff.


      • #4
        Re: Vamp away from home

        So for us newer vamps, is that you or Michael Palin? ;D
        "Mathematics are the result of mysterious powers which no one understands, and which the unconscious recognition of beauty must play an important part. Out of an infinity of designs a mathematician chooses one pattern for beauty's sake and pulls it down to earth."

        Marston Morse


        • #5
          Re: Vamp away from home

          That's the real me after sailing solo for 36 hours straight. One of my better looks and obviously better hair days.



          • #6
            Re: Vamp away from home

            Originally posted by SailingVampire
            p.s. I expect everything to be just like I left it, nobody touch my stuff.
            I still have some of your crappy porn! ;D


            • #7
              Re: Vamp away from home

              Originally posted by SailingVampire
              Are the Vampires still doing the Vampire thing? I've been away for a few years but was a member from 96 till 2001. Man, I miss the roads in Cal, Florida is flat and flat. And mostly straight lines.


              Shouldn't you be sailing around the world or something? What are you doing in Florida still (besides enjoying the hospitality of the current martial law environment)?


              • #8
                Re: Vamp away from home

                I'm going to be back on town on the 30th till the 5th.

                Chuck is racing that weekend at Sears Point and there is supposed to be some big AFM party thing going on up there. I'm pretty sure it's not specifically for me, but I'm a narcissist so I'll assume it is in my honor.

                After that I'll be kicking around Santa Cruz trying to see all of you.


                p.s. This last hurricane, Jeanne, sucked the worst of all of them. Mother Nature can kiss my sweet white ass.


                • #9
                  Re: Vamp away from home

                  What's up Petey Sweetie!

                  I can't believe it! You definately need to come home. And even though I quit smoking, I think we should definately sit down and have an Export A Ultra Light together!

                  Courage is fear holding on a minute longer.


                  • #10
                    Re: Vamp away from home

                    I suck.

                    Next time I will pull my head out of my ass when I schedule a trip to Santa Cruz so I can actually VISIT people. It was fun seeing a bunch of you guys at the track but I would have also liked to spend more time talking and catching up.

                    Maybe I'll come back in a few months and spend more time.


