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motorcycle girl

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  • motorcycle girl


  • #2
    Re: motorcycle girl




    • #3
      Re: motorcycle girl

      I was to busy kicking up my heals at the SFMC Clubhouse.
      Was anyone able to video or TIVO this?


      • #4
        Re: motorcycle girl

        Honey, it is premiering tonight at 9PM I you didn't miss it!


        • #5
          Re: motorcycle girl

          Obviously by the lack of my chronological knowledge, I'm still in the recovery stages from the weekend.

          Lionel, your TIVO box is off the hook...... THIS TIME ;D


          • #6
            Re: motorcycle girl

            I will record it anyway if I get home in time. Also there is more MotoGP to record.



            • #7
              Re: motorcycle girl

              Reminds me.. I wanted to ask during Faster.. Are there any women in the GP championship? I recall one in the 125cc category (Janakova or something like that).. but how about 250cc or the 500/990cc?..


              • #8
                Re: motorcycle girl

                Holy cats - Did anyone else waste an hour of his/her life last night watching that atrocity of a documentary?

                That was stulti-f*cking-fying. Really bad. I think I saw fifteen seconds of actual track footage - the rest was stupid fighting and insipid fashion shows. Why did they pick the stupid girl to document? There appeared to be cool girls there...

                ARGH!! :P tttthhhhhhppppppppttttttttt.


                • #9
                  Re: motorcycle girl

                  Gromit and I felt the very same way Bone! Total waste of an hour.
                  Happier than Jim Neighbors with a wheel barrel full of buttholes.


                  • #10
                    Re: motorcycle girl

                    Makes me happy I don't have Speed channel anymore!


                    • #11
                      Re: motorcycle girl

                      Yeah, was feeling bad I missed it until I read this, I will be happy with the fact that I watched Rugrats instead...LOL!


                      • #12
                        Re: motorcycle girl

                        HOLY CRIZZZZZAP, was that a pile of dookie >
                        Every 3 minutes I wanted to beeyatch slap that whiney-assed, Miss Know It All.  I really felt sorry for the custom painter and his assistant for having to put up with her shite.
                        At least he got some air time advertising for his company.
                        I'm sure soon enough the sympathy cards will be piling up in his mailbox!

                        Lastly, I hope the Discovery Channel's mailbox piles up with complaint letters.


                        • #13
                          Re: motorcycle girl

                          I made it through about ten minutes. That was enough for me.


                          • #14
                            Re: motorcycle girl

                            Hmmm, I guess Wayne Brady should have stepped into action?


                            • #15
                              Re: motorcycle girl

                              I am so disappointed at that shit they tried to pass off as a documentary. I was looking for a chick that raced amature and was going up to the big leagues. Instead, I'm forced to watch a whiney princess bitch and the tribulations of her floundering fashon show. The blond racer girl was much more interesting and she only talked for a minute. I'd pay money to watch the painter strangle the whiney princess bitch for an hour. Discovery should have looked a little harded for a more interesting person. It is a good topic, but they pussey-footed the issues as to not affend anyone. then, they find someone that fails to represent any serious girl bike racers. It would have been more interesting to see princess bitch low-side and go home with a bruised pride.

                              just my opinion,
                              -Mr. B
                              First poster of 2007.
                              First Poster of 2010.

                              Yes Ladies, I AM the guy your mother warned you about.

