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Biker Fix

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  • Biker Fix

    Hey, so I was thinking that all you crazy biker types should come down to LA and park in front of the coffee shop I work at and scare all the yuppies in their SUVs. Or in front of the cool coffee shop I hang out at, kinda like Perg's but not, and then give me MAD street cred.
    What say you?
    I think it's a FABULOUS idea. . .if I do say so m'self. Plus, I miss straddling a thrumming piece of hot metal. . .sniff sniff. . .


  • #2
    Re: Biker Fix

    Poor baby...I so know how it sucks to not have your bike and to be somewhere where the only thing people think when you say you ride, is what kinda harley you ride...grrr!

    Miss you and I will come down and park it for ya! However, not sure how much of an impression one chick on a sportbike could make, but maybe in LA I would be a novelty! LOL!



    • #3
      Re: Biker Fix

      What Kel is trying to say is you may not get your "MAD street cred".

      You may have to settle for "Ill tempered street cred".


      • #4
        Re: Biker Fix

        Ah, Lonnie, how I miss your wonderfully BAD jokes. . .
        And Kell, you'd be surprised at the general lack of chick riders here. So, yeah, one chick on a bike, well one chick actually *operating* the bike and not just acting as vanilla scented baggage would make an impression.
        Whoo hoo! Ill tempered street cred here I come!


        • #5
          Re: Biker Fix

          "Vanilla scented"? Oh.. wait....

          Never mind.... :


          • #6
            Re: Biker Fix

            Both of you are NAUGHTY!


            • #7
              Re: Biker Fix

              They let chics operate bikes? Next thing you know they'll let them vote.


              • #8
                Re: Biker Fix

                Yes they let us operate motorbikes you dog! I may not operate them very well...but I try!!!

