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Alaskan riders - post here!

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  • Alaskan riders - post here!

    Hey- few Alaskans will post on thier own threads and here- welcome them please! Hope to see a few of you later this winter in Santa Cruz!

  • #2
    Hey all this is woody i was told by cruisingram to post and say hi. I had a tiller, sold it and now myself and ram are building me a bike this winter. would love to come down there with ram and meet you all in person, think it would be a blast. well as you can tell i am/was (once a Marine always a Marine) and live up here in the lovely cold snowy Alaska. anywho at work now will have to write some more when i get to the house hope to here from you all and feel free to send me a email if you want. woody


    • #3
      Hey Woody-good job with the post my brutha- I also expect Zee907 to post on this thread soon, and about two others. We are planning a trip to Santa Cruz!


      • #4
        Excellent, can't wait to meet you guys.
        Keith Seric Maynard


        • #5
          I'm not from Alaska, but I've been there twice and it's an amazing place.

          The first trip was in August about eight years ago. The weather was perfect...sunny and 70s during the day (which was about 20 hours long). We took a boat trip out on Resurrection Bay, rented a car and drove to Valdez.

          The second time was in February...about seven years ago. Rented snowmobiles and went 4,000 mph around Big Lake. My friend got stuck in a snowbank because he's an idiot, I got stuck trying to get him out because I'm an idiot.

          Good times.

          "Far be it from me to question your stupid civilization or its dumb customs."—Philip J. Fry


          • #6
            I look forward to meeting all of you. Stop off in San Francisco and see some of the city too; it's only 70 miles away.

            It would be fun to organize a ride in the Santa Cruz Mountains for everyone during your visit. Sound like a good idea?


            • #7
              Hey thanks folks- we will want a contact number at some point after the "snow flys"- we are all out getting our frantic last month of riding right now for the most part- I have put beacoup miles on the Sabre this month, any excuse for a ride in the last 4 weeks of riding!

              The big question keeps coming up- we will need deals on rental bikes, all of us!


              • #8
                Hello Everyone,

                I just got back into riding (on the streets taht is) this summer after about 5 years. I have had various bikes over the the years but so far the one I have now is my favorite. I would love to be able to go to Santa Cruz but we will have to see how I can market the idea at home first.

                Thanks for referring us to this site Crusingram! It looks like a fun place to hang about!!


                • #9
                  Cruisingram, I just txt'd you my Cell. It's fine to give it out to anyone up there, including other clubs that might want to contact us about the idea of a Charter, etc..
                  Keith Seric Maynard


                  • #10
                    Thanks Seric- will do. I will e-mail you privately about the various goings on with the coalition right now as well!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by AlaskaGriz
                      Hello Everyone,

                      I just got back into riding (on the streets taht is) this summer after about 5 years. I have had various bikes over the the years but so far the one I have now is my favorite. I would love to be able to go to Santa Cruz but we will have to see how I can market the idea at home first.

                      Thanks for referring us to this site Crusingram! It looks like a fun place to hang about!!
                      Dude- we totally have to get together for one last ride in the next week or so before they go away for the winter! I am trying to get Squeeks on board with this idea too- he would be our oldest member, but also, by far the most skilled builder and rider, ever LOL- it is fun to see a 60 year old man drag knee, and wheelie a bike for about a mile with no probs!


                      • #12
                        My spare room is taken by a guest in between living space right now but I'm more than than happy to put a few up on some couches as long as you need to stay. Got a Bonfire pit in the front yard and Jello shots are only an hour away in the fridge.

                        Big par-tay weekend coming up Nov. 4th. starting with my 40th. B-day and the Vampires Day of the Dead ride is on Sunday the 5th.

                        Would be pretty cool if some of you could make it down but may be past riding season up there.
                        "Through the course of my life, I've spent most of my money on motorcycles, drinking, drugs and chasing wild women. The rest of the money I just wasted."

                        I am the chosen one, the mighty hand of vengeance...
                        ... sent down to strike the unroadworthy!



                        • #13
                          Thanks for the offer- you may get some visitors yet- but that time may not be possilbe- most of us are planning on after the new year, if we can get 10 of us, we get a really good cost on airfare- the main thing we want to do is ride, of course- we really start jonesin for our bikes about Febuary- and some of the guys are under 25, so rentals may be a problem. I plan on calling Seric this week, and seeing if he has any leads on bike rentals!

                          Some of the guys also want to do a bike school as well, so we will try to time it around one of the schools down there!


                          • #14
                            Man- it has been hectic up here this winter- I have fallen down on my duties on this little subject I am afraid- I have quite a bit of interest in this up here, and a good core of guys and gals that want to make this happen.

                            I will contact Seric privately- but, our riding season is about to begin, and we are all frantically trying to get stuff ready by summer.

                            Getting ahold of the local bike club coalition has been really tough. So, we are not gone, we are still in it to win it- and we have great morale and hope that this little thang takes off up here!


                            • #15
                              I'll be in Alaska in early July. Definitely in Seward on July 4 - my son will be running Mt Marathon again before being redeployed. Probably come up for the whole week of July 1-7.

                              I'll stay in touch and try to coordinate with you on some riding while I'm there.
                              "Mathematics are the result of mysterious powers which no one understands, and which the unconscious recognition of beauty must play an important part. Out of an infinity of designs a mathematician chooses one pattern for beauty's sake and pulls it down to earth."

                              Marston Morse

