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Cruisingram's big BBQ sportbike extravaganza!

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  • Cruisingram's big BBQ sportbike extravaganza!

    End of year ride, followed by BBQ at the Cruisingram spot:

    Lots of cool iron, Italian flava, even a buell! A viper showed up, with too many bikes to park on one side of the street! Aprillia, M/V Augusta (a 07 BTW) Ducati 996 (claimed to be one of the finest in North America by the CEO of Ducati America) ZX-14s, and, oh yeah, that nice CB900 F of AK Griz, stunt bikes galore, and my ol' V65!

    Last edited by Cruisingram; 08-26-2007, 03:05 AM.

  • #2
    Sorry- my bad- here is another. Check out Akgriz's CB900F representing well in all the modern iron!


    • #3


      • #4
        "Mathematics are the result of mysterious powers which no one understands, and which the unconscious recognition of beauty must play an important part. Out of an infinity of designs a mathematician chooses one pattern for beauty's sake and pulls it down to earth."

        Marston Morse


        • #5
          Originally posted by lugnut View Post
          Man, imagine catching you online all coincidence like!

          Hey- here is another coincidence- there is a guy with the handle of "squidfield" on BARF- he was born in the house across the street- showed up for the party in a viper!

          Don't forget the mandatory attendence of the ZX-14 at any (nearly) respectable end of riding season bar-b-que!

          It was a pretty good turnout- probably about 30 souls standing around somewhere on my property drinking hard, or not. probably about 55-60 "rides regulars"- unafiliated group riders that ride together for no particular reason.

          More on that next post


          • #6
            Okay- check this out. This will only be posted here- but our small contingent of Vampire interested parties was helping me set this whole thing up, as a "teambuilder" bit of fun- catch the T-shirt I am wearing,

            Lugnut gifted it to me on his trip up to Alaska.


            • #7
              Here are a couple of the "other interested parties" AKGriz, on the extreme right, will be joining us in Santa Cruz for the ride in November, as far as plans are made at this point.

              The extreme right you see the dude in the red T-shirt that is another "interested parties" fella- but the dude in the grey shirt next to him - that is ecthemc, he is coming down with me to Santa Cruz- man, can't thank him enough- he really busted his ass to help me make it happen!

              Last edited by Cruisingram; 08-26-2007, 02:49 AM.


              • #8
                Okay- sorry for the disjointed narrative- but echthemc, Vic (my woman) and I are sitting here, winding down from an overload of bikes, beer and adrenalin from it all at 252 in the AM (though the edit time says 1049 on my screen-curious) -

                I will now tell what this was all about- akregulators is a little site here that is run by a local honda service manager wherein locals post on forums with the intention of riding together. All told there are probably 50-100 regular "group rides", bikers- mostly sport bikes. No cruisers showed up tonight- but some have cruisers- but this was a sport bike night I guess.

                So, two of the local stunt teams showed up, or a number of thier crews, quite a few track racers, a few well known long time riders to girdwood and hatchers pass runs (I would be in that group probably).

                I couldn't get over the turnout of the bikes- and the variety! Aprillia, Ducati, M/V Augusta, Yama, Suzuki, Honda, Kawasaki. Squidfield could have repped the brit bikes, but had errands while in town and was FORCED to drive the viper. Poor guy.

                There was some drinking - but no one drove away loaded- or rather, the bikes were loaded in trucks or parked in my garage.

                The Aprillia is parked in my garage right now- man, I love that bike!


                • #9
                  Here are some more great pics!


                  • #10
                    There's paved roads in Alaska?!


                    • #11
                      Ya, who knew? BTW- um, what is your definition of "paved"- sometimes, we have a road amongst all the potholes!


                      • #12
                        Great Fun...

                        Nice meeting ya lugnut when ya came up.. a shame we didnt have much time to plan a nice get together ride ! But Take advantage of what you can while you spent your time here.. How did your son finnish in the marathon!! You told me hes my age.. But a Tank!! I wish I was that Nimble.. stunting is all the nimble my body can take.. and the calories shall never leave

                        Neways.. Great BBQ !! Looking forward to Day of The Dead Ride !!

                        Gonna be freaking awesome.. im trying to figure out where im gonna get a goat



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by ecthemc View Post
                          Great Fun...

                          Nice meeting ya lugnut when ya came up.. a shame we didnt have much time to plan a nice get together ride ! But Take advantage of what you can while you spent your time here.. How did your son finnish in the marathon!! You told me hes my age.. But a Tank!! I wish I was that Nimble.. stunting is all the nimble my body can take.. and the calories shall never leave

                          Neways.. Great BBQ !! Looking forward to Day of The Dead Ride !!

                          Gonna be freaking awesome.. im trying to figure out where im gonna get a goat

                          He finished somewhere about 90th. Mtz marathon race, not a true marathon, but a 5k.

                          sorry for tzpos, german internet cafe kezboard has some keys misplaced to my americaniyed tzping. I guess you can figure out that y and z are in different spots.

                          Just took a picture of a Peugot scooter. ANd iƤve been seeing BMW scooters look to be bout 500 cc and they have seatbelts!
                          "Mathematics are the result of mysterious powers which no one understands, and which the unconscious recognition of beauty must play an important part. Out of an infinity of designs a mathematician chooses one pattern for beauty's sake and pulls it down to earth."

                          Marston Morse


                          • #14
                            Wow.. Scooters with seatbelts! You must post a picture or 2 !!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ecthemc View Post
                              Wow.. Scooters with seatbelts! You must post a picture or 2 !!
                              If I hit an internet cafe with a usb port I'll do so. Otherwise I'll post when back in US 14-9-07.

                              I defintiely will try to get a shot of the scooter with seatbelt. Saw in Berlin and Amsterdam, will be in Amsterdam again and be on lookout.
                              "Mathematics are the result of mysterious powers which no one understands, and which the unconscious recognition of beauty must play an important part. Out of an infinity of designs a mathematician chooses one pattern for beauty's sake and pulls it down to earth."

                              Marston Morse

