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Alaskans having to postpone our trip- please forgive!

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  • Alaskans having to postpone our trip- please forgive!

    It is with some heavy heart that we have to say we will be postponing our trip "outside" until the dampened spirits ride at this point. A series of events conspired against us- it started with the Fall and sudden hiring of Ethmc (Eric) getting his dream job "on the slope" (he is working out in Nome as we speak- it is already hard core wintere there) and is on a six week on, one week off cycle until the New Year. Akgriz (Dave) got sent out of town to Houston, Texas on a biz trip, and in fact, is there now. I had contemplated just coming down all by myself, and had talked to the fellas about it- but, they thought, and I agreed, it is better if we all come down together. I had a court date on the 2nd anyway- but had planned on leaving that night.

    I Pm'd Seric and Lugnut, and asked them how to proceed, we didn't want to be all "flaky" about this whole thing- and Dave (Akgriz) sent me this PM-


    I think they know that pulling even one or two people together does not work out everytime. You might want to add that we want to do this together as a group and feel that postponing the trip is better than being under-represented.

    This way they will know we are working in the best interests of the group on not just individually.

    I really do want to go and I know you do to.


    That pretty much sums up our feelings on it best.

    Also- Some have asked us "why we want to be a Vampire club instead of just starting our own club up here"- and I think that should be answered early on.

    1) We all knew we wanted more than the one piece "thursday nights at Taco Bell" deal that is most of the clubs up here.

    2) We wanted a club that WASN'T just based in Alaska- we wanted a somewhat more West Coast Region in orientation.

    3)We wanted history and legacy- and this is where the Vampires filled the bill the best. When we read through your site, the attitude,or mindset, of the club you have, the stackholio pin ceremony, and the postings here dovetail nicely into what we were looking for. And you are an old club, which is even more of what we wanted- Lugnut went through some of the history, and told us what he is allowed to of the founding, waxing and waning of the club- and that is what really makes us want to be part of the organization.

    If it were just riding together- we got that down. We just want more than that, and we want some history and legacy- without some of the 3 piece patch history and legacy- if you know what we mean?

    So far, the postponement for us means Febuary- and the Dampened Spirits ride.

    Easy time to get out of the state, cheap, and is the biggest "ebb" in work that we have up here.

    I hope you guys are all cool with this, and please don't think too harshly about us at this point- it is merely a postponement- NOT a cancellation!