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who wants to rag on the ZX-14

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  • who wants to rag on the ZX-14

    i am trying to talk myself out of buying a black ZX-14. can anyone tell me why i shouldn't get this bike?

    the ugly gills on the sides don't count. i already argued with myself on that one for almost 45 minutes.

    and i already own a black vehicle. and for some reason i still want it.
    If the lights are timed at 35 mph, can we assume they are timed at 70 mph as well???

  • #2
    It's really quite simple:

    "Friends don't let friends buy Kawasaki's".


    • #3
      Originally posted by Gromit View Post
      It's really quite simple:

      "Friends don't let friends buy Kawasaki's".
      Not even klr 650?
      "Mathematics are the result of mysterious powers which no one understands, and which the unconscious recognition of beauty must play an important part. Out of an infinity of designs a mathematician chooses one pattern for beauty's sake and pulls it down to earth."

      Marston Morse


      • #4
        Originally posted by lugnut View Post
        Not even klr 650?
        The KLR is next.
        If the lights are timed at 35 mph, can we assume they are timed at 70 mph as well???


        • #5
          Originally posted by lugnut View Post
          Not even klr 650?
          thats a good point
          being shot out of a cannon will always be better than being squeezed out of a tube. that is why god made fast motorcycles.

          makin love dont make it love.
          -johnny paycheck



          • #6
            Originally posted by Gromit View Post
            It's really quite simple:

            "Friends don't let friends buy Kawasaki's".
            I know that old saying but i have to say i do like the zx 13 a little more than the gsxr 13. I say, go for what you like and can afford and don't let anyone say one is better than the other. It comes down to one thing, who's riding the bike you or them.
            Zuerst der Spaß, dann das Vergnügen.


            • #7
              Riding a Kawasaki is like fucking a fat chick. They are both fun to ride until your friends see you.

              The fugly KLR being a prime example.

              Kawasaki's just plain suck. Ask Valgar. He'll back me up on this.

              The biggest reason not to buy it is that there is no real reason to own a four cylinder bike over 600 cc's unless you plan on going on a really loooong straight line which defeats the point of motorcycling altogether and you don't want that pimply faced kid on a moped down at the Foster Freeze whipping your ass in the twistys because you brought a Howitzer to a gun fight.
              Last edited by Rotten; 11-19-2007, 12:44 PM.
              "Through the course of my life, I've spent most of my money on motorcycles, drinking, drugs and chasing wild women. The rest of the money I just wasted."

              I am the chosen one, the mighty hand of vengeance...
              ... sent down to strike the unroadworthy!



              • #8
                i don't feel like i need any more power, thats not why i want the bike. i want the bike because i fit on the bike. even on the FZ1, i tend to feel claustrophobic. and i am not sure i want to spend the money to make this bike work better, when the 14 seems to come with all the parts.
                If the lights are timed at 35 mph, can we assume they are timed at 70 mph as well???


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Goose View Post
                  because you brought a Howitzer to a gun fight.
                  I'm sooo guilty of that!

                  "American by birth, CALIFORNIAN by the grace of God!"- Me

                  -" I am not leaving the forum, because it's my ultimate intent to drive the rest of you off so I'm the only one left.
                  "- Ziad


                  • #10
                    How about Suzuki's new B-King? That should get the job done!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Gromit View Post
                      How about Suzuki's new B-King? That should get the job done!

                      The reason he's looking at the Kawasaki is because we found an 07 model that we might be able to get a great deal on. But he did like the Susuki Busa.


                      • #12
                        The B-King is.. something alright. I cant decide if I like it or hate it.

                        I want a zx-14 or a busa as a sport touring rig. The zx-14 looks like the space vagina from starship troopers.

                        "I love Satan and speedmetal" - Dylan


                        • #13
                          That picture is just NASTY!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by rallyrodent View Post
                            i don't feel like i need any more power, thats not why i want the bike. i want the bike because i fit on the bike.
                            I wouldn't come to the conclusion that just because it's bigger in displacement = a bigger bike. The ergos will be different, but a ZX-14, just because it's got a 14 in the name and a bigger engine, isn't sized to be ridden by a bulkier (or taller) person. Let me put it like this: I can feel equally at home on a ZX-14, Hayabusa, F2, or FZ6.

                            If you want a truly big bike for a big person, try riding something like an Aprilia Caponord or a KTM 950 adventure.

                            I personally wouldn't buy anything in the supersport class bigger than 800cc, but then again, maybe I'm just a pussy.
                            Last edited by SatanCruz; 11-19-2007, 01:09 PM.


                            • #15
                              The REAL reasons you want a ZX-14

                              6. You like to spend $3000 a year on insurance payments
                              5. You like dropping $300 for new tires every 4 thousand miles
                              4. You like bikes that get less than 35mpg
                              3. You want something that'll turn the poser knob up to 11 at Coffee Night
                              2. You desire more attention from cops and extra points on your license
                              1. You want to be just like Colin
                              Last edited by SatanCruz; 11-19-2007, 01:10 PM.

