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My introduction and a question

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  • #16
    Either that or Z3ma Warrior Princess.

    They both have a nice ring to it.
    "Through the course of my life, I've spent most of my money on motorcycles, drinking, drugs and chasing wild women. The rest of the money I just wasted."

    I am the chosen one, the mighty hand of vengeance...
    ... sent down to strike the unroadworthy!



    • #17
      Heh... someone be sure to brin Bill-o a Zima to the next meeting on the 5th.
      Cashing Satan's checks with my dick in my hand.
      Sometimes you gotta fuck a guy up and sometimes you gotta drink some chocolate milk.


      • #18
        Sounds like a SLO prospect task to me.

        Getting him ta actually drink it however......
        "Through the course of my life, I've spent most of my money on motorcycles, drinking, drugs and chasing wild women. The rest of the money I just wasted."

        I am the chosen one, the mighty hand of vengeance...
        ... sent down to strike the unroadworthy!



        • #19
          Originally posted by beauregard View Post
          Heh... someone be sure to brin Bill-o a Zima to the next meeting on the 5th.
          If you can't find it in stores, someone could leave a can of 7-up open for about a week in their backyard, then pour a shot of vodka in it and serve.

          Same difference.

          "Far be it from me to question your stupid civilization or its dumb customs."—Philip J. Fry


          • #20
            Originally posted by beauregard View Post
            Heh... someone be sure to brin Bill-o a Zima to the next meeting on the 5th.
            I won't be at the meeting. Finishing maintenance on IN house and helping 89 year old parent deal with her 2nd fall of the spring - think she probably has a FX fibula to go with the FX rib.
            "Mathematics are the result of mysterious powers which no one understands, and which the unconscious recognition of beauty must play an important part. Out of an infinity of designs a mathematician chooses one pattern for beauty's sake and pulls it down to earth."

            Marston Morse


            • #21
              Well I just got my travel schedule for the upcoming month. Tonight I head down to Houston and will be back on Monday and then on June 5th I'll be in Hoosierville to take care of some family bizness. BUT I will be around for the Rally on the 13th and can probably make all 3 days.

              You ever call up a company and hear the announcement "this call may be recorded for quality and training"? I install those recording and speech analysis systems all across North America and Canada. The ULTIMATE Big Brother legal wire tapping!

              I sure wanted to be there on June 5th to see someone gag on a Z3ma!


              • #22
                Hey Bill? Where abouts in Indiana? I'll be in Shelbyville closing the estate on my parents house and bitch slapping my worthless brother.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Jeremiah View Post
                  Hey Bill? Where abouts in Indiana? I'll be in Shelbyville closing the estate on my parents house and bitch slapping my worthless brother.
                  If I tell you you will show up with nasty ice cold malt beverages, not the good kind I'll be drinking with my fellow brewers in the Saint Gambrinus Benevolence Society on the 31st.
                  "Mathematics are the result of mysterious powers which no one understands, and which the unconscious recognition of beauty must play an important part. Out of an infinity of designs a mathematician chooses one pattern for beauty's sake and pulls it down to earth."

                  Marston Morse


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by lugnut View Post
                    Cold malt beverage is not specific. It includes the nasty four letter stuff.
                    Again my point was to bring clarity - like "two wheels and a motor" includes segways, and even the SF chapter isn't ghey enough to ride segways. (if anyone has video of a mdded segway traveling at highway speeds that would be cool to see, still uber ghey though).

                    Cold malt beverage can include scotch on the rocks as well. I was just thinking worst case.
                    "Mathematics are the result of mysterious powers which no one understands, and which the unconscious recognition of beauty must play an important part. Out of an infinity of designs a mathematician chooses one pattern for beauty's sake and pulls it down to earth."

                    Marston Morse


                    • #25
                      makes a note before attending a meeting to remove the license plate frame off the Duc that reads...

                      "My Z3ma Powered Segway Can Run Over Your Honor Roll Student"


                      • #26
                        I want a Segway with a CR500 motor in it and monster truck tires to take down to Pismo Beach.
                        "Through the course of my life, I've spent most of my money on motorcycles, drinking, drugs and chasing wild women. The rest of the money I just wasted."

                        I am the chosen one, the mighty hand of vengeance...
                        ... sent down to strike the unroadworthy!



                        • #27
                          They do make offroad Segways, my friend Jesse is riding one in this pic. These ones are modded to go about 35mph. I don't own one, but my buddy Trent (other guy on stock Segway) is the distributor for the Portland, and Sacramento areas.

                          Last edited by seric; 05-23-2008, 05:09 PM.
                          Keith Seric Maynard


                          • #28
                            Look, a sssheagull!

                            "Far be it from me to question your stupid civilization or its dumb customs."—Philip J. Fry


                            • #29
                              A company on Angel Island offers Segway tours of the island. Those things are hilarious and sport knobbies which are loud on the pavement. Great way to see the island, you just have to take a ferry from SF to get there.

