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Thunderhill was pretty cool.

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  • Thunderhill was pretty cool.

    This shot would've been perfect if my vest hadn't of blown up. stupid thing.

    Thunderhill is a pretty cool track, though it's pretty much all sweepers with only a few technical corners. More material mysteriously vanished from my knee pucks, i'll have to look into that more later.

    I've pushed the FZ about as hard as i'm willing to push it on the track. Being that I need it to get to work and all. I think the SV should be track-ready for my next trackday which'll be sometime in '09.

    Oh, and passing $20K ducati literbikes on my little 600cc bargain bin economy bike? Hilarious.

    Here's Ted, the redneck elf getting ready for his first trackday. Ladies, try to restrain yourselves.

    No, this wasn't staged. He really did order all that food.

    Oh, and for further perusal. Here's the raddest pitbike ever.

    I want one.
    "I love Satan and speedmetal" - Dylan

  • #2
    Balls deep, my friend.

    Ted - thank you for ruining christmas.
    Apologies in advance...


    • #3
      That seriously is the most awesome pit bike ever. Fuck. I want one.
      Ride More. Bitch Less.


      • #4
        Never seen a bike like that? any specs? make/model?

        "American by birth, CALIFORNIAN by the grace of God!"- Me

        -" I am not leaving the forum, because it's my ultimate intent to drive the rest of you off so I'm the only one left.
        "- Ziad


        • #5
          It's a 'Timberheim' or something like that. I'm going to email the owner later and ask for the inf0rz. I'd totally buy one. I need a pit bike anyway.
          "I love Satan and speedmetal" - Dylan


          • #6
            You cock gobblers should have called me. I was in the neighborhood.

            "Far be it from me to question your stupid civilization or its dumb customs."—Philip J. Fry


            • #7
              Ted, ur lookin the bomb in those red nickers


              • #8
                Ok. I can't figure out how to embed video.

                Anyway, here's my second to last session of the day on sunday:

                I did one more session and called it quits, I was starting to lose focus.
                "I love Satan and speedmetal" - Dylan


                • #9
                  We should plan on doing a club group trackday in 09. I'm ready to come back.
                  What provider did you use and how was your experience with their instruction?


                  • #10
                    I did my first trackday with zoomzoom in May. I've done.. 9? more with them since then. Excellent organization, excellent instruction. All of their instructors are top notch.
                    I plan on making all of their track days in '09, let me know when you want to go. If we can get enough people going we can get a group discount.
                    "I love Satan and speedmetal" - Dylan


                    • #11
                      Wow did you buy a VIP pass or something? That's awesome.


                      • #12
                        No, though they have season passes and track packs. I'm hoping to get a bunch of track packs to save some money this year.
                        "I love Satan and speedmetal" - Dylan

