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New to SLO and Motorcycles

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  • New to SLO and Motorcycles

    Hey there!
    My name's I'm moving to Cali in the next month or so. I'm really excited to move.
    I'm 33 and feel like I've wasted a LOT of my life so I finally decided I was going to pick the place that I'd actually like to live and move there.
    So I thought about it for several months and did some research and decided on SLO.
    I love riding but haven't done much since I was a teenager. So when I get to California I'm going to buy a bike and ride and go to the beach and just enjoy life the way it was meant to be lived.

    I'd like to join some kind of Club or organization to ride and socialize with but I don't want to sell drugs or kill people like they do on T.V. LOL

    I found this site on google by searching for a SLO MC so I figured I'd stop in and say hi.

    Anyway, just introducing myself and I can't wait to see that Califonia sunshine and feel the wind rush past me while I cruise on my bike.


  • #2
    Cart before the horse jbro, cart before the horse.


    • #3
      What do you mean?
      I mean I get what "cart before the horse" means. Like I'm doing something wrong or backwards but what are you referring to here?


      • #4
        I'm not in SLO, but I believe they've had organized rides on Wednesdays.

        If you haven't ridden in the past you may have difficulty keeping up with experienced riders. Get some training.

        I hope you have work lined up already.
        "Mathematics are the result of mysterious powers which no one understands, and which the unconscious recognition of beauty must play an important part. Out of an infinity of designs a mathematician chooses one pattern for beauty's sake and pulls it down to earth."

        Marston Morse


        • #5
          Thanks Lugnut,
          Ya, I work from home on the internet. Which is one reason I want to move to SLO. I figure if you can live anywhere you want in the whole world then it's pretty stupid to live somewhere you don't want to live.
          I'm from Idaho but have been living in Kentucky for the last 3 years to help a friend with a business.
          It's like 95 degrees here and very humid, plus a thunder storm comes through just about every day. I hate it.

          I'll probably get a part time job when I move there though for some extra cash.

          I'm just really excited to start living for real.

          All I can think about is riding and going to the beach. I hope to make some good friends when I get there and just really make SLO my home town.


          • #6
            Originally posted by jbro View Post

            I'd like to join some kind of Club or organization to ride and socialize with but I don't want to sell drugs or kill people

            Cool, when you join that club make sure to come to one of our events and say hello.

            As far as cart and horse placement, when joining a motorcycle club it is custom to own and ride a motorcycle, make friends and start riding with the people in the club you wish to join, and then spend some time making sure that the club you want to be a part of is right for you.

            California has it's quirks, there are things that you might not like, but overall it is a great place to live and I love this state with all of my heart. I hope that you enjoy your stay.
            "We want to be free. We want to be free to do what we want to do. We want to be free to ride. And we want to be free to ride our machines without getting hassled by The Man. And we want to get loaded."

            "I can't promise you sticking your dick in a diamondback's mouth and zapping it with a cattle prod *will* get your pecker bitten, but I can promise you it's a BAD FUCKING IDEA" -Rotten

            "Guns, stolen motorcycles, and dead hookers tend to attract a lot of attention"


            • #7
              We look forward to meeting you man. When you get here come by McCarthy's on a Wednesday evening 8:30 or so and say hi. I too could live anywhere I want and chose here.

              President Vampires M/C San Luis Obispo
              Cashing Satan's checks with my dick in my hand.
              Sometimes you gotta fuck a guy up and sometimes you gotta drink some chocolate milk.


              • #8
                Thanks very much Beau, I will.

