You've just increased your coolness factor in my book by ten fold. Welcome to the addiction! 8)
I just last Friday I saw a 2000 XR650R in a friend's garage that was plated, laced with black 17" hoops and had a double baja-style headlight assembly. In talking with my buddy there's a possibility he'd be interested in selling.
Please PM me with your spending threshold. I'll see if I can get additional specs for you.
was told to avoid the L's over the R's (air cooled/less power etc...bonus for being streetable out of the box though) and > 2000
no mention of the cost...PM sent anyway.
Oh yeah, thanks for the earlier links. The month old was still available, but the person is an utter flake about getting back to me. In theory lives right near my work, but has yet to get back to me about viewings...
The LA one is still going down in price. Might see if Carl can take a peek at it for me...
I've got your mother's maiden name tattooed on my arm...