I think my understanding of how 2-strokes work is lacking, I thought there was a reed on the intake?
Also, I'll bet if I had poured some castor oil on the lamp to make it puke blue smoke would woulda snapped this TV up in a second.
yes this bike has reeds to aid in low RPM, not needed to run but helps as the mechanical diode helps control the fuel/air flow on the the down stroke and prevent back flow on the upstroke and stuff more A/F into the box then to the head on the next down stroke. A rotary valve is also used on high RPM twostrokes and timed for the range of RPM they run at, kinda does what Reeds do but very tech and data maps needed to tune,just like that T.V..
Huh, interesting. I'm guessing a valve would make it easier to put a turbo on a two stroke.
I am not to keen on that concept as used on two stroke diesel that most transit buses use, too many parts and as close ya gonna get to valve less aspiration is F-1 in a true flow of fuel through a motor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egwL54IlhRg
Not much of a exhaust note at high revs. just like a two stroke in its power band. Kinda about porting,jetting,tuning,building a pipe and stinger and math. You want that song that just says.. OH YA! and your ass says COOL and the right hand says more...no I am not addicted to a power band...NOT.