Wow.What an event huh?!..
It was great meeting you and Morgan!
I am sure the people in your club already know your perseverance and dedication-but now I know it too!
You and ALL of your team most definitely have my utmost respect.
To even finish the event- I don't think anyone that was a casual observer could really comprehend what had to be done to make it to the end.
You know whats cool-is that we actually DID find each other riding a motocross track together,on electric motorcycles,AT 3 FRIGGIN' AM IN THE MORNING!!!
Now come on..WHO can actually claim that one Eh?
Great Stuff!
I thank you for the invitation to Vampire gatherings,and look forward to meeting more of your club Brother's and Sisters.
Wow.What an event huh?!..
It was great meeting you and Morgan!
I am sure the people in your club already know your perseverance and dedication-but now I know it too!
You and ALL of your team most definitely have my utmost respect.
To even finish the event- I don't think anyone that was a casual observer could really comprehend what had to be done to make it to the end.
You know whats cool-is that we actually DID find each other riding a motocross track together,on electric motorcycles,AT 3 FRIGGIN' AM IN THE MORNING!!!
Now come on..WHO can actually claim that one Eh?

Great Stuff!
I thank you for the invitation to Vampire gatherings,and look forward to meeting more of your club Brother's and Sisters.