Eric here- used to be in Alaska...
Not sure if any of ya'll remember but I was one of the few alaskans interested in coming down for one of your day of the dead events years back..
I'm in Arizona now- riding with SRMC - we got a chapter in San Diego..
Just wanted to come by and say hello- pay my respects and maybe this summer would like to come by when im in CA for San Diego's national and meet some of ya'll.
I said I would make it down years ago- and I'm still trying to hold my word to it.. I forgot the name of one of your members that came up to alaska I belive for his son's graduation - he stayed with my Shop partner- Great guy- Enjoyed the time he visited us and the couple of rides we got in
Safe riding
Keep the shiny side up
- Eric
Not sure if any of ya'll remember but I was one of the few alaskans interested in coming down for one of your day of the dead events years back..
I'm in Arizona now- riding with SRMC - we got a chapter in San Diego..
Just wanted to come by and say hello- pay my respects and maybe this summer would like to come by when im in CA for San Diego's national and meet some of ya'll.
I said I would make it down years ago- and I'm still trying to hold my word to it.. I forgot the name of one of your members that came up to alaska I belive for his son's graduation - he stayed with my Shop partner- Great guy- Enjoyed the time he visited us and the couple of rides we got in
Safe riding
Keep the shiny side up
- Eric