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Hey all

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  • Hey all

    Eric here- used to be in Alaska...

    Not sure if any of ya'll remember but I was one of the few alaskans interested in coming down for one of your day of the dead events years back..

    I'm in Arizona now- riding with SRMC - we got a chapter in San Diego..

    Just wanted to come by and say hello- pay my respects and maybe this summer would like to come by when im in CA for San Diego's national and meet some of ya'll.

    I said I would make it down years ago- and I'm still trying to hold my word to it.. I forgot the name of one of your members that came up to alaska I belive for his son's graduation - he stayed with my Shop partner- Great guy- Enjoyed the time he visited us and the couple of rides we got in

    Safe riding

    Keep the shiny side up

    - Eric

  • #2
    Edit: Not even sure if it was a sons graduation he made it up for- could be confused with someone else unrelated to your MC....


    • #3
      Quite a shift of climate there 8)

      There's one or two folks who make it in from AZ for our yearly rally and you're more than welcome to swing by on your SD trip and we can show you the roads up here.
      I've got your mother's maiden name tattooed on my arm...


      • #4
        Originally posted by ecthemc View Post
        Edit: Not even sure if it was a sons graduation he made it up for- could be confused with someone else unrelated to your MC....
        My son was running Mount Marathon, not graduating.

        And please don't say I'm a great guy, you'll ruin my reputation
        "Mathematics are the result of mysterious powers which no one understands, and which the unconscious recognition of beauty must play an important part. Out of an infinity of designs a mathematician chooses one pattern for beauty's sake and pulls it down to earth."

        Marston Morse


        • #5
          Originally posted by lugnut View Post
          My son was running Mount Marathon, not graduating.

          And please don't say I'm a great guy, you'll ruin my reputation

          Once I saw the last reply i remembered the road name

          Nice to hear from ya again.. You ass-@(@(

          Yeah this guy was a real prick up in AK.. J/K

          How are you doing man?

          and yeah- would be nice to meet ya guys when im in SD

